FARMAKON album art & photo


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
Here's the front cover to the upcoming album "A Warm Glimpse":


And here's a pic of 'em, looking all mean & moody :)

What you say? I thought we decided to morph to a teenpopboyband last week, but I guess you weren't around when we made the decision... ;)

And by the way, you have to fire me now since I don't seem to be able to be decently in front of camera... :)
DotNoir said:
Konetalon käytävä ruokalaan?
Sorry people :)
Jep! :)

Satuin vahingossa olemaan samaan aikaan (sunnuntaina yhdeksältä illalla) tekemässä ohjelmoinnin palautustyötä kun tyypit olivat ottamassa valokuvia. en varmaan olisi muuten tunnistanut... :)
The covers are made by guys called Timo Vuorensola and Eemeli Haverinen. They, to my knowledge, have done the design together and Eemeli does the photographing whereas Timo works on the digital side.

They're first-timers, so there are no website or anything. All that I can give you is a movie project Timo's been working with as a director.