Farmakon in Metal Hammer


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I didn't realise the mag were going to do this so it was a nice suprise. They basically name three "up & coming" bands each month, and this month Farmakon got the nod.

We get Metal Hammer here, but it's usually a month late or something... Went to a local kiosk, but didn't see any MH there... Dunno when it comes here... Is it January? I mean the MH :)

Well, this was a nice surprise... I thought no-one would do anything on us even after we made the record. Did you threaten them, Lee? :D
Originally posted by DotNoir
They just browsed the web with search string "metal stupidest pic ever" and found you... :D
Yes, that's pretty correct. We're just second after your avatar... ;)
This is great, well done guys! Nice to see great musicians get noticed a little!