Fascism invading US music scene. Please help!


Oct 20, 2004
Between ur Thighs
Edited: Took out the part about the cool fans :yuk:

Music fans all over the world must help spread the news! This may happen in your community someday soon.

Unbelievable paramilitary like raid on a peaceful music gathering on private property. Gathering was well organized with security searches and proper permits. You could be next!

Watch video taken by attendees.


Official statement and personal accounts of the night.


Coming to a music gathering near you....


This brutality has world wide attention and is not being taken lightly by the music community.

Please show your support and join the forum at http://forums.utrave.org/forumdisplay.php?f=19
mrthrax said:
there was probably a very good reason they were there.

Yes, the top civil rights lawyer in Utah says that the attendies have a very good case.

What an asshole you are making a comment like that when you don't even know what the fuck is going down. :err:
I watched the video and saw the website and it's scary, the same fucking thing did happen in here a month ago!
Vrykolakas said:
Anthrax fans are some of the most helpful and organized rockers on the planet. :headbang:
Music fans all over the world must help spread the news! This may happen in your community someday soon.

Unbelievable paramilitary like raid on a peaceful music gathering on private property. Gathering was well organized with security searches and proper permits. You could be next!

Watch video taken by attendees.


Official statement and personal accounts of the night.


Coming to a music gathering near you....


This brutality has world wide attention and is not being taken lightly by the music community.

Please show your support and join the forum at http://forums.utrave.org/forumdisplay.php?f=19

Where were these guys when Sharon was fucking with IRON MAIDEN?
Sorry Anthrax but your fans are certified retards.

Just to let you know, straight-edger security guards were performing professional security searches at the entrance to this party. The confiscated items were then planeted on these straight-edge security guards and they were arrested by the paramilitary police. Please inform yourselves before you make complete asses of yourselves.

I am a metalhead and I am not into electronic rave music. These people had their basic rights as human beings violated. I support their plight.

You will be next. I assure you.
Yep ... Julio don't like Ravers.

He said recently in Kerrangoz (Spain's heavy metal mag) that `Si. Me no fighter. No bang bang guns signor. Me a lover...' then finished the article with `Me Metal hed. No raver with guns. No no.'