Fastest thrash band out there?

From the top of my head I'd say Fastkill's 'Infernal Thrashing Holocaust'.
rummaging through my c.d collection i would have to say ragining speedhorn is pretty god damn fast and although they 're probably more verging towards punk than metal,Suicidal tendances oyld stuff is pretty explosive!
In my personal collection id say either Artillery, Sadus, and prolly Terror 2000 (hey, just cause they are swedish doesnt mean they arent thrash :) give them a chance... especially their latest album, its fast, crazy, and funny)
In terms of guitars, not much gets faster than the fastest of Thrash bands. You don't really get much faster. But yeah, obviously since 99% of Thrash bands don't use blast beats, one could make that argument.
Teh Grimarse said:
if you're talking about the speed at which they repeat a riff, but DM most certainly produces the most number of notes in the shortest time.

I guess you've never heard Expulser, who do use blast beats as well.

That leaves room for 1%

Like Expulser, Gammacide, and a select few others.
Actually most early Death Metal and nearly all of the Swedish scene had no blast beats. Blast beats are what kills Metal.