FAT pride strikes again!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
That I loathe FAT pride is well-known. But here is a hilarious case of where physicians (who are trying to help these sick fucking whales) are being criticised for doing their jobs under heavy circumstances!

Rio de Janeiro hospitals have been sending obese people to share medical test equipment with horses at the local race track, drawing complaints from activists who say the practice is humiliating.

Perhaps, but its the only way to handle these FAT asses! Either they sit on equipment designed for barn animals, or they break the hospital machines and fuckin die. What's more humiliating?

"When people weigh more than the standard equipment can support they have to be directed to the Jockey Club, which is the only place in Rio where they have the appropriate equipment," a spokeswoman for the Rio state health secretariat said on Wednesday.

Its fortunate for them that there's equipment available to these intrepid and clever doctors. IF it were up to me, I'd say "Lose 400 lbs and call me back."

Patients needing stomach reduction surgery require a tomography, or multiple X-raying of body sections, which is normally carried out inside a chamber.

Rio hospitals only have standard tomography equipment for people weighing up to 120-130 kg. Tomographs used on horses are sturdier and more spacious than common devices.

Rosimere Lima da Silva, head of the Group for Salvaging Self-Esteem and Citizenship of the Obese (Graco), said many patients feel embarrassed to go there.

Good! Feel humiliated! Feel embarassed at the horrible condition of your revolting body! Perhaps it will compell them to lose a few tons.

"The obese patients already suffer from a lot of prejudice and having to be treated where animals are is not helping their self-esteem. Many simply refuse to go," she said.

Then let them perish where they fall! Let the school children circle far and wide around their rotting bulk! It should be nothing unusual in a hell hole like Rio.

Graco staged a small protest on Tuesday outside the state legislative assembly and met some legislators to try to oblige hospitals to buy stronger equipment, including stretchers and wheelchairs for the obese, and to authorise more hospitals to perform stomach stapling surgeries.

"Small" protest? HA HA HA HA HA! That's wunderbar!

What the fuck! I mean, WHAT THE FUCK!?

Hospitals having to reinforce their equipment with steel I-beams is pretty awful.

I'd say that barnyard medical attention is an almost heavenly judgment upon the wicked evil called "Fat Pride."

...A bit like how AIDS is an incurable judgment against them cock-worshippers.

Don't start ruining a good judgment by curing AIDS and reinforcing hospital equipment! Damn!

well just like usual. you find a solution, a vital one, and people have to bitch and moan. Fuck at least they've got the technology to do that shit and cure those bastards. And what shame is there? they brought it onto themselves.

there's a show on discovery health where they show fat, monster fat people going into rehab and surgery to not be fat anymore and its sick how some people will let themselves go :Puke:

Anyway fuck all those whiney bitches.
My local newsrag ran a story a couple days ago wherein a 700 pound WOMAN required the demolition of her bathroom in order to be extricated from her home. It took some seven hours and dozens of EMT's firefighters, etc. to get this disgraceful bovine out of the house. This was in Trenton, NJ.

It should be safe to say you have far exceeded your reasonable allotment of space, not to mention human dignity, when you require home demolition to get out of doors. How any person can have so little self-respect and utter contemt for themselves is beyond me. Fat pride indeed!
You guys rule. Fat People are cool....NOT!!! Again I was at Whale-Mart (thanks Jurched for the cool epithet) today and the megatons outnumbered the little people 3:1 I would say. It looks like ag ood paper for a graduate thesis!!! Again I am ashamed for going there..................I am DIRT!
How could she possibly wipe herself?:OMG:

I shit you not (no pun intended). Years and years ago, when Jerry Rivers (Geraldo) had his talk show. He had a show about obese people (salad-dodgers) and the difficulties they face.
As if being on stage and crying about being fat wasn't humiliating enough. One of the particularly porky broads went into great detail about how difficult it is to wipe her ass. She did the arm motion and everything, whimpering "they don't reach". Just before she completely broke down. She blurted out that she cut herself "back there" trying to wipe her ass on the roll that is in the dispenser. Luckily, I was not a member of the studio audience because, I laughed so hard. Shredded wheat was coming out of my nose.
Forever the compassionate man, Geraldo jumped in and pointed out the resourcefull nature of this person.
How is cutting your ass on a TP dispenser because you can't reach your ass being resourcefull?

Fat chicks...Waste of a perfectly good vagina. . .
Saw a news story about how the stretchers on ambulances have been replaced by new, sturdier and more spacious models. But fuck, the EMT´s backs and knees. Why won´t somebody think of them?
Huh. Makes me think of that classic 80's film "The Fat Boys in: Disorderlies"!! Anyone remember that movie? I understand the blackest and fattest of em all died of a cardiac arrest at 450 lbs...

:lol: I remember that movie from way back...

i've lost 25 pounds since Jan 1. im 6 foot 3 but
weighed in at 275, now im at 245 trying to get to a dr. recommended 230.
:lol: I remember that movie from way back...

i've lost 25 pounds since Jan 1. im 6 foot 3 but
weighed in at 275, now im at 245 trying to get to a dr. recommended 230.

Ive dropped 10 since March. Trying to get back down to my smoking weight of 190. The hardest part, is giving up my beer...that has been holding me back /sigh

but teh fat people at Walmart, sickening.
Ive dropped 10 since March. Trying to get back down to my smoking weight of 190. The hardest part, is giving up my beer...that has been holding me back /sigh

but teh fat people at Walmart, sickening.

Switch to Guinness...extremley delicious and satisfying, but with much lower carbs and calories. Most people think that because it's a stout, it's heavier, but that's not true...check the label.

Guinness makes you strong!