Fatal Smile


Mar 20, 2002
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Fatal Smile is calling it quits as reported by Mr. Y the lead singer. This is so strange as they have a new album coming out within the next week. Plus they had started a new tour.

Wonder what would cause the lead singer and founder of the band to do so at that point. All I can say is that I will miss them. Loved their last one called Freak Show. Had some really great songs and the video for the title track was killer.

R.I.P. my friends

Read this a while back. Guy screwed over his bandmates.

Totally unprofessional by that Mr. Y to bail like this on the first night of a tour and to screw his band as well as the other bands on the package. Couldn't the other guys pick another guitarist and go on with the tour? Or maybe that Mr. Y owns the name and all the songs? That's too bad cause they're a good band and they give a good live show.