Fates Warning - The Ivory Gate Of Dreams

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
I am sitting down with a cup of coffee, a bowl of ____ and partaking of the 21 minutes and 25 seconds that is 8 part epic The Ivory Gate Of Dreams. Absolutely amazing. The different moods that they captured, the fucking leads are pure class.

JayKeeley have you picked up the No Exit cd yet??? If and when you do, skip past everything and listen to this track first.

The only thing lacking is a remastering job. Metal Blade????

So far only Night on Brocken and Spectre Within have been remastered I think. I have the remastered version of Spectre Within.

I don't think I can wait for Awaken the Guardian to be remastered....
No Exit and The IGoD "epic" get a lot of hype by nostalgia clad noodleheads who forgot that IGod is actually a rather bad rewrite of the Rush "song" The Fountain of Lamneth.

Epic Length != good song always, and Rush did it better.

Ray fails on the album because the songs were all written with Arch in mind to sing them. Ray's style is very different
Alright assmunch, now you've done it. Are you trying to open the gates to a full scale war? Ivory Gate Of Dreams sounds nothing like Rush's Fountain Of Lamneth. The only similarity would be the length and the way they divided the song in parts. There is no pointless drum solo like Rush's track. And Ray sings football fields around Geddy Lee.

While the album may have been written with Arch in mind, I still think Ray did an excellent job.

I can't quite keep up with it yet. No doubt the leads are fucking terrific. Alder is pretty great too. Too much to handle at first, I think. First time I heard "Supper's Ready" it went in one ear and out the other