Fates Warning


Dec 2, 2002
New Jersey
Just curious to know what everyone here thinks of these guys. They are one of my favorites (without a doubt in my top 5) but it seems like they don't get nearly as much love as they deserve. What do you think?
I was a big fan of their early work like Night on Broken (sp?) and The Spectre Within. I had everything on cassette up to Parallels but haven't converted them to CD yet. They are a good band and I was fortunate enough to see them live with Savatage a couple of years ago. Now that you brought them up, I think it's time for a trip to ebay...
Im still getting into these guys ive just picked up there first 3 albums and they sound a great band on what ive heard so far :D

Oh yeah i just had to laugh at the old art work on Night on Brocken its bloody terrible :p
Actually, I should get some Fates Warning. "The Apparition" was one of my favourite songs for years, but for some reason I've never got any of their albums. Weird, when i think about it.
The First 3 albums with John Arch are the Best IMO with exception of A Pleasent Shade of Grey(A real masterpeice) and Perfect symmetry An all around excelent band I would love to see them live someday :p
NeonBlack2112 said:
Just curious to know what everyone here thinks of these guys. ..What do you think?
I started listening to them from day one, when I heard "Soldier Boy" on a compilation album. I picked up all the vinyl as it came out. Frankly, I find them just under the edge of very enjoyable. NIGHT ON BROCKEN would easily be my favorite with better production (and yes, better cover art.. *lol* even the reissue wasn't all that impressive). As it is, I guess PARALLELS ends up as the fave. The thing about all their albums, imo, is that they are too sedate. I mean, there just isn't enough excitement among the moody passages for me. Max Norman put some balls into EXIT, but the rest leaves me reaching for a different band (I should mention I still haven't heard the studio release(s) following PLEASANT SHADE OF GREY). I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I enjoy Steel Prophet's cover of "the Apparition" better than the original.. And I definitely don't understand what people see in PERFECT SYMMETRY. It's always mentioned as brilliant, but I just didn't hear a single engaging thing thereon. Maybe it's just because it was the last FW release I got on vinyl?

Definitely an influential band, but I just don't get into them as much as many.