Eldritch Lunar Miasma Records have released FATHER BEFOULED's full-length dark chronicles of unholy death metal, Obscurus Nex Cultus and Morbid Destitution of Covenant onto the format of cassette tape.

Pro-printed j-cards and black cassette shells with white face design. Limited to 125 handnumbered copies per album. The band will also have some copies to sell.
Launch special offer:
UK customers: buy both FATHER BEFOULED tapes for £7.50 postpaid
Overseas customers: buy both FATHER BEFOULED tapes for £8.50 postpaid
Each pair of tapes comes with a free FATHER BEFOULED logo 1" pin.
Payment by PayPal only, please. Trades with other labels and distros are welcome.
For orders or enquiries, contact me at eldritchlunarmiasma AT gmail DOT com, please don't use PMs.
The mailorder (with sell/trade list) is also now open here: http://www.eldritchlunarmiasma.com/mailorder.html
Thanks for reading.

Pro-printed j-cards and black cassette shells with white face design. Limited to 125 handnumbered copies per album. The band will also have some copies to sell.
Launch special offer:
UK customers: buy both FATHER BEFOULED tapes for £7.50 postpaid
Overseas customers: buy both FATHER BEFOULED tapes for £8.50 postpaid
Each pair of tapes comes with a free FATHER BEFOULED logo 1" pin.
Payment by PayPal only, please. Trades with other labels and distros are welcome.
For orders or enquiries, contact me at eldritchlunarmiasma AT gmail DOT com, please don't use PMs.
The mailorder (with sell/trade list) is also now open here: http://www.eldritchlunarmiasma.com/mailorder.html
Thanks for reading.