Father's Day...I have no idea!


Jan 10, 2005
So Father's Day is coming up, on the 16th I believe, and when my little sister and I asked what my dad wanted he just said "something you made, so I can put it on the mantle and look at it years from now." What the fuck.

So the only thing I'm really "good" at is music. The only other thing is I have lots of carpentry skills, but I'm not about to whittle a fucking horse or something. The only thing I can come up with is writing a song. But then, I think about how lame a CD sitting on the mantle could be. Also, he's really into country and folk music. I have been in a country band before, and I grew up listening to it all the time, because of my parents. So it's not like I couldn't write a country or folk song...it's just...the whole CD sitting up there.

I have no idea what else though, I am completely at a loss here. What do you guys think?

a hand carved CD case of country songs. :D

if he essentially wants something that will last that will remind him of you years from now, make something that is quintessentially you. A treble clef or a bar of music would be cool. I don't think a hard carved 5150 w/ ENGL cab loaded with v30's necessarily says "I love you dad", but whatever floats his boat.
you could give him what i always give my folks macaroni art weehhoooo yeah i love making that shit.
Yeah, it really doesn't matter what day it's really on, my dad is currently out of state for his job. He is coming back for a few days in July for my sister's birthday and that is when we are going to "celebrate" father's day, heh. So really I have quite a while to figure this out...but I've already been racking my brain for the past two weeks and all I could come up with is a song.
