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Thorns of Sorrow

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Apr 18, 2002
New York City
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Yes I know its a lame thread, but we gotta start somewhere! ;) And we gotta break in the new BB with some old school threads..:D

1.) TDWoT
2.) Damnation Game
3.) Twilight in olympus
4.) Live on the Edge of Forevor
5.) V
6.) Symphony X

I dunno, I think I am one of the few people who didnt really enjoy V that much, iy was awesome, dont get me wrong, but like yeah didnt have any lasting effect on me. I also sorta liked the first S/T album, i think Romeo's playing was really raw then and a lot more shreddy. Also, as you can see my user name comes from my favorite song on the album as well as being one of my top 5 SyX songs :D

TDWoT is one of those are times in music, where everything us just clicking perfectly. I think Russel really found his place in that band on that album. "The Accolade" is really a triumphant piece of music, great vocal performance. So many good songs on that album. Of sins and shadows, title track, sea of lies...damn thats a classic.

Damnation game and Twilight to me sort of are even as far as musicality goes. Through the looking glass is a super Dream theater song, lol the intro sounds like Surrounded, and Smoke and Mirrors smokes. Im not a fan of Sonata, I dunno its just to short IMO, wouldve been awesome if they developed it some more, but from talk with Romeo, hes said that they wanted to do a long song on that album, but just couldnt fit it in.

Well, there you go please feel free to share...

btw Ill also add certain criticisms of certain songs that i have, but lets all get the nice stuff outta way first :) lol I dont wanna come off as too much of an ass kisser, inless Romeo or Russel start posting here, in that case Ill pucker up :lol:
I'm actually really new to SymX and just got V a few days ago. I've since listened to it a number of times through and it's pretty much all i'm listening to at the moment. Infact, i'm listening to it as i type this :D It's also now tied at number one album along with Scenes From A Memory by Dream Theater. I can't wait for SymX's new album to come out :D
2.Twilight In olympus
3.Damnation Game
4.Symphony X
5.V (yep thats V at the bottom)

and...(well I dont think you can compare a live album to the studio ones..):
6.Live on the Edge of Forever
Hello everybody!
it's cool to be here!

you know what! that's unfair, we've done the same poll on the French forum:))
that's funny to see that the ideas cross the ocean!:))
on this French forum there is also a fucking rumour which said that the band has played in blegium in Graspop. Obviously it's untrue but you can be lucky because th band seems to be interested in a North American tour! bououou!! come on in Europe please:)))

SYX rullzzz!!

Here it is my CD order :)

1. V / Twilight in Olympus / DWOT
2. Damnation Game / SyX / LOTEOF

yeah .. 1 st Place all those 3 CDS are just the TOP OF THE TOP! and then the rest :cool:

To me (and i said TO ME!!! *puts on the flame protection armor* :p) just doesnt have much sense this question, since i have found to like a SyX album more than another in some periods of my life and to have a reversed situation in other periods...
Anyways, the 3 albums that are constantly spinning in and out my 1st position are Divine Wings of Tragedy (it was the first SyX album i listened, and that made me love this band, so it always has a special touch to me), Twilight in Olympus and V (no particular order)...
Damnation Game is great, but to me is half a step below those 3; the self titled album goes in last place because of the singer's voice, Russell Allen just happens to be my fav singer so... ;)

And, like Lutz said, i cant compare the live album with the studio ones (it's just something different), even if it shows how great this band is in its live peformances!!!

Divine wings of tragedy!! I can listen to it over and over again, i just love that album! The accolade and the eyes of Medusa are my fav songs. This album is just pure magic, imo. ;)
I like the other albums too, but DWOT is the best.

xxx Iris xxx
greetings :) i've been listening to symphony x for quite some time but it's still hard to say wich are my favorite albums:mad:

V and Divine Wings Of Tragedy dead tie :p
next would be Twilight in Olympus and live on the edge of forever
Symphony X
and last but not least Damnation Game :D
is this the same track-listing on the live album in America and in Europ or even in Japan?
For what i have seen, i think the track-list is the same for the american and the european releases. As for the japanese one, i dont really know (we will have to wait for some japan'Xer to join here and enlight us on this question ;) )

My favorite is DWoT, it’s certainly one the best progressive metal albums to date. The Accolade is one of my favorite songs; I love the acoustic work in the beginning and how it just explodes from there.
Divine Wings of Tragedy, one of my all time favorite albums
Twlight in Olympus
The Damnation Game (Edge of Forever is a beautiful, magnificent piece of music)
The Dark Chapter (I just had to throw this one in here :p )
S/T (the vocals REALLY bother me!)
Well... For me, the list goes as follows:

1. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
2. The Damnation Game
3. Live on the Edge of Forever
4. V
5. Twilight in Olympus
6. Symphony X

But, they're all great. And I agree with ya Thornie... The most delightful songs are on The Divine Wings of Tragedy. Definitely a favorite album of mine. But they're all good. :)