favorite album for 07'

If Black For Death from Solefald was 07, that would be on the list, but I think it was 06.
Same for Emissaries from Melechesh.
Probably Kroda - Fimbulvinter

Close contenders (no order)
Moonsorrow - V: Havitetty
Manegarm - Vargstenen
Mael Mordha - Gaeltacht Mael Mordha
Graveland - Will Stronger Than Death
Please elaborate, for I've only heard it was a bit shit, unfortunately.

I really like it. It isn't like Alice In Hell or Never, Neverland. It never will be again, people need to accept the fact that those albums are 20 years old. Metal is really heavy, has great production, and it shows the respect that others have for Jeff by appearing on the album. I was a writer for www.metalreviews.com a couple of years ago, so I will review it on that scale. 95 out of 100.
Dying Fetus - War of Attrition

I know there are others, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

That is a badass album.

Well I can't really think of my favorites for this year, but coming out soon this year is a new Drudkh album, a new Behemoth album, new Morbid Angel, and I believe new Nile too.

So I'm sure those will take the cake.
Yeah the new Dying Fetus is great. Well I'm looking forward to the new Morbid Angel, Immortal, and Monstrosity albums. As well as Behemoth's "The Apostasy" which I heard shall be out by July.