Favorite Disney Movie/Cartoon

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I have two: 101 Dalmations and The Rescuers Down Under

Also The Legend of Sleepy Hollow cartoon was awesome. The movie as well, though not Disney.

Walken was fricken awesome.
old school:
Robin Hood
Sword in the Stone
Sleepy Hollow
Alice in Wonderland
Jungle Book
parts of Fantasia rule, other parts drag

my childhood era had a good run:
Lion King
Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast's main stories were a little more girl-oriented, but the minor characters provide the comedy

the pixar movies are ok, but the only one that really came out when i was still a 'kid' (13) was Toy Story, and its obviously the best.
Fantasia! I used to watch the Night on Bald Mountain part over and over and over as a kid. I think that paved the way for my future love of all things dark and metuhl.

Along with its evil awesomeness, I should point out that this movie was made in the 1930s, long before computer animation was even a glimmer on the horizon. Everything in this video was hand drawn, which is fucking insane when you look at the demon dude's fingers and wings moving around. The real art of animation has truly been lost thanks to the Pixar films.
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The Black Cauldron was total shit if you read the books it was based/halfassed on.
Animated: Alice in Wonderland, Jungle Book and Bambi
Not animated: Wizard of Oz and The Wiz
old school:
Robin Hood
Sword in the Stone
Sleepy Hollow
Alice in Wonderland
Jungle Book
parts of Fantasia rule, other parts drag

my childhood era had a good run:
Lion King
Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast's main stories were a little more girl-oriented, but the minor characters provide the comedy

the pixar movies are ok, but the only one that really came out when i was still a 'kid' (13) was Toy Story, and its obviously the best.

That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Old School Disney movies are the best!
Yes I still like it, just not as fanatically as I used to when I was a kid. I went to see it in the theater as a kid and went back several times to see it again.

I watched The Ugly Dachshund yesterday, an old Disney movie from the '60s and there's a part in it that's so non-PC that I had to laugh. I love that there was no political correctness with anyone, even Disney back then. It's something you'd probably never do in this day and age. I wonder if there were many Japanese offended by this. Watch at 0:55 in particular.
