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Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I need something new to get into. Like I posted on the other thread, I've been playing a lot of Thief2 fan missions lately. I like Thief because you have to creep in the shadows, think a lot, and occasionally knock someone out or kill them. The best part of Thief is the fact that you get to pilfer without guilt or regret. :)
Creeping up behind a guard and whacking him on the head with a black jack can also be quite satisfying!

I really liked Deus Ex as well. It's a secret agent type game.

My favorite game series on PS1 is Syphon Filter. 1 and 2 mostly, 3 wasn't really my thing. There is something to be said for creeping around in the dark with a sniper rifle equipped with a night vision scope!!
I used to like the Madden Series football games (98 and 2000) on PS1 but I grew tired of killing the computer, or having the computer cheat like mad.

What are your favorite games and why?
I only play PC now and currently my fave game is Jedi outcast wich I play online, it`s damn good and looks awsome. All weapons from Star wars are there, from ordinary blasters to the choking grip that Vader uses in the films :)

I`ll check Thief out
I am a gaming junkie...

Thief 2 is a freaking awesome game. Good taste Hyde.
Deus Ex was a freaking awesome game. Can't wait for Deus Ex 2. Have you seen the previews?
Jedi Outcast is a freaking awesome game. You can't come any closer to actually 'being' in a Star Wars film. Good taste Adde!

..along the first person line of games..my favorites include the above, as well as the Quake series (fast-paced and brutal...), Half-Life (greatest game ever) and System Shock 2. You should check out System Shock Hyde. The original was done by the guy who did Deus Ex..and the team that did System Shock 2 did a great job. I've played a ton of other first person shooters, but these are all the ones that really stood out for me.

Do you like real time strategy games Hyde? Like Starcraft/command and conquer etc? ...or have you even played any games by Blizzard (diablo, etc). I am hooked on Warcraft 3. It is a great game. Its the crowning jewel of the genre....much like Civilization is the jewel of turned-based strategy (IMHO).:D

..I am not that big on console games. I own a PSX2...and I have the Final Fantasy games and the Tekken games..that is about it.
Yeah Rabies, I forgot to mention System Shock 1 and 2. They were both great games. I haven't seen the previews for Deus Ex 2 yet and I'm waiting patiently in hopes there will be a Thief 3.
I'm not really into the fast paced brutal shoot 'em up type games.
Anything like System Shock, Thief 2, Deus Ex, Syphon Filter etc...

I'll have to check into some of the games you mention.:)
A good suggestion is trying out "Mideval:total war"
It`s a new game that are getting great reviews, sieging mideval castles and so on. I`m looking around for it myself :)

Another tip is "Mafia"

I´m trying to install Warcraft 3 right now Rabs!
Seen blizzards new announcement regarding their new game?
Starcraft: Ghost. Platform only :(
Looks like its going to be right up your alley Hyde....too bad it wil not be released for another year.
hey ec

My battle.net screenname is rabies_burn. You can put me on your friends list if you want.

Unfortunately, I don't suck anymore. I am not uber...but I am ranked on the east coast ladder on 3v3..almost ranked on 2v2 and have started playing 1v1. Competition has started to become very tough at my level.

But that does not mean we cannot play some goof games vs the CPU or something. :)
Originally posted by rabies
hey ec

My battle.net screenname is rabies_burn. You can put me on your friends list if you want.

Unfortunately, I don't suck anymore. I am not uber...but I am ranked on the east coast ladder on 3v3..almost ranked on 2v2 and have started playing 1v1. Competition has started to become very tough at my level.

But that does not mean we cannot play some goof games vs the CPU or something. :)

Cool, I'll look for you later tonight (Sat. night). Even if you whip me it's ok, a good way to get better at it quickly. :cool:

Besides, I used to be pretty good at Starcraft, so I'm sure that the tactics aren't all that much different. It'll just be a matter of me getting up to speed. As I'm sure you've realized, playing against the cpu there's much more time to get going as compared to a human opponent. I'll just need to get used to doing certain things automatically as opposed to spending time thinking about what to do.

But, in any case, I won't mind if you're beating on me, like I said, that's how you learn. :cool:

And...I'll have to lay off of the pain pills I've been taking since my root canal.... :lol: o_O :zombie: :ill: :dopey: :Smug:
I picked up Warcraft 3 last night.:) I played through until chap 4 where I started to feel bad when the undead were killing too many of my troops. I've got something for 'em today though. Definitely an addicting game.
Thanks for turning me on to it.:)
Hey if you have a psx, you can burn old NES-games and play on it! I did it the other day, burnt about 120 or so old classics from the Nintendo 8-bit system and played them in my playstation :) With the emulator from http://imbnes.gamebase.ca evrything worked out really cool!

Otherwise, I think Mafia is a pretty cool version of GTA3. And rabies, Half-Life is definitely no 1!
Right now I play a lot of Neverwinter Nights too, it's a really good diablo-style rpg.
But for now, my top-recommendation would be the old Nintendo-games on psx. I mean, who can deny the greatness of games such as Gunsmoke, Metroid, Gradius, Zelda, North&South, Defender of the crown, etc. Plus the fact that you can fit in over 500 NES-games on a cd :)
Originally posted by Nefilim
Hey if you have a psx, you can burn old NES-games and play on it!

Excellent!!!! :cool:

I've got quite addicted to Dungeon Seige, it's your typical Fantasy Role Playing Game but it's huge! I've been playing it about 25 hours now and I'm not even a quarter through it! :)

I also like playing Age Of Empires, but a over 4 hours per game don't get much chance to play it!!! ;)
Ack..I missed your post about playing EC. Sorry..did not get a chance to play this weekend..I won't be able to tonight as well...and actually...you may want to try 1v1 vs the comp. They did not make the AI easy to beat. He can micro his units like mad..and he can build like a madman. If you can consistantly beat him, you can be considered better than the avg wc3 player. Most likely, the first time..you will lose..and lose badly. (a 1v1 custom game..not the single player missions).

Hyde..felt bad about being killed as the undead? LOL..wait till you see what the game has in store for you!

nefilim...does this work on a psx2? And where would i get these games?

Virus..Dungeon Siege was awesome. We spent about a month playing that multi-player online....then warcraft 3 came out. ;)

Age of Empires..good game. You guys know that Age of Mythology will be out any day now right? Woot! :D
Hyde..felt bad about being killed as the undead? LOL..wait till you see what the game has in store for you!

Actually I was playing the single player missions and the undead kept killing me!:lol:
I managed to beat that level (chapter 4) but the next one has kicked my behind every time. I've read several walkthroughs for that level and everyone of them says it's very easy. I officially suck at Warcraft 3!:lol:
I would not say WC3 is better than Dungeon Siege. Its a different type of game. Dungeon Siege is more like Diablo...its kinda a fasted-paced role-playing game.

Warcraft is a real-time strategy game..which means you need to build up your base, and train units, etc...but with a lot of role-playing game elements.

..and Hyde...yea...the entire Human campaign was pretty easy...but this is your first time with this kind of game..so it is understandable. As long as you are having fun! =)

It the one you are stuck on wher eou much defend a base from the constant attacks..and kill a catapult caravan? That was the first fairly tough Human one. My advice to you is to ignore the optional caravan quest and focus on just defending....you are too new to this type of game to be able to do both simultaneous....and build more than a few towers in your base asap and upgrade them to watch tower....and surround them with farms..so the enemy cannot directly attack em. That will help your defenses greatly.
I'm on the part with Mal'Ganis where I have to destroy the infected people before he can possess 100 of them. I can't get my troops to attack the infected people while they are sleeping and it's costing me too much time.
I am having a lot of fun though.:)