Favorite Heathen Crusade Performance

Who set the night on Fiiiyaaaaa?

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So many great performances, so many worthy choices, but if I had to nail them down, I'd say Primordial from HC1 and Mael Mordha from HC2.

Hmmm.... looks like that Irish, pagan folk metal works quite well live doesn't it? :kickass:
In order, the following made the biggest impact:

Mael Mordha
Slough Feg
Novembers Doom

While I was half-expecting Primordial to blow me away, I was genuinely surprised at just how shockingly good Mael Mordha were so they win it.

The following bands also deserve mention: Gwynbleidd, Dark Forest, and Manetheren. Had never heard anything from them previously and they all had me at hello.
Manegarm was my favorite from HC2. Mainly because they were the ones i most looked forward to, I was right up front, and had a fuckin great time. Mael Mordha held second place, only because I was not that familiar with them, and only by a slight margin. If I saw the two bands again, Mael Mordha would probably come out on top.
I went to HC1 mainly for Moonsorrow, even though I liked all the bands there, and they did not disappoint. Biggest 2 surprises for HC2 were definately Vried and Mael Mordha, both were vastly better live then I could imagine.
Imagine your face is toilet water. Imagine a rather fat stinky homeless person arrives at the toilet which contains your face. He then proceeds to drop the most foulest dump in the known history of mankind, right upon your face

Now imagine that that fat stinky homeless person who looks alot like Dom Deluise wasn't done with this bowel movement from parts unknown. Seeing that no other person is in an adjacent stall Mr. Deluise decides to add a little crack stain to this porcelain safe haven. With brown dripping from his vertical frown he systematically lines the rim of the refuse container with a streak of HC esque sloppy joe. Oh no he's not done there. He then finds his dick in the fat folds of his epidermal man purse and begins to shake and bake trickles of cock lint and kung pao piss all over the paper seat protectors.

His work is finally done. He's reach the plain of Sagoth.