Favorite/Least Favorite Oatmeal Flavor

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I'm currently choking down some Maple Brown Sugar Quaker with some expired milk. Good goat is this shit vile. I bought 4 variety packs from Costco last month (a fuck ton per box) and the majority of the packets are this vile Maple Brown bullshit! Who the fuck likes this gunk? Apple Cinnamon and Cinnamon Spice ftw!

What do you put on yours? If we're talking non-instant properly boiled oatage, then cinnamon, raisins, maple brown sugar, blueberries, and honey, are all suitable toppings.
in sweden you eat it plain like a man

or maybe with apple sauce
I eat my steel cut or rolled oats straight up plain like a fucking horse. From the package to my mouth.

If I ever have it flvaored though, I do prefer maple brown sugar.
haven't had oatmeal since my mom fed me ... even that stopped at 8 years old.
Rolled oats blended with egg whites and cinnamon, cook on griddle, smeared with peanut butter. Maybe a little agave nectar. Noms.
Maple nut is awesome! I settle for instant most days, but I prefer roasted oatmeal with almond milk and honey when I* have time to make it.

*the wife
steel cut oats cooked in almond milk with flax seed, hemp seed, almonds, coconut, sunflower seeds, vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, and honey every breakfast every day.
steel cut oats cooked in almond milk with flax seed, hemp seed, almonds, coconut, sunflower seeds, vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, and honey every breakfast every day.
You skinny bastard. :Spin:

I ate sausage and egg and tortilla and salsa and alfalfa for breakfast today. Last one for awhile, heading back to mostly oatmeal.
I still have expired milk in the fridge, so instead of getting a fresh gallon, heading out to get a breakfast burrito. That's how we roll in Cali, burritos 24-7.