Of course my favorite lyricist is the guy who made a conceptual album and next year he made tha continuation of that album, and both of 'them' with great lyrics , of course you all know who is this guy
None else that the prince of darkness himself
Mr. King Diamond
There are lots of other guys like:
Nikolas Sundin of Dark Tranquillity
Ross Dolan of Immolation
Hansi Kursch of Blind Guardian
The guy from Vader (who is it the bassist or the lead guitar if anyone knows please send me a mail or a message please)
and I don't remember anyone right now
By the way the last lyrics from Judas Demolition SUCKSSSSS!!!!!!
The worst lyrics work of the band ever, it seems that Halford was the main lyricist of the band. The music is just OK
I forgot Martin Walkyer from Skyclad is a master of lyrics
my favorite "If I Die Laughing It'll Be An Act of God" wonderful!!!