Favorite Non Metal Albums of 2007


Jun 20, 2007
on sad wings of destiny
1. Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet
2. Brother Ali - The Undisputed Truth
3. Blue Scholars - Bayani
4. Grinderman - S/T
5. Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone
The vast majority of albums I've listened to this year are metal but here a couple non-metal releases I really enjoy:

God Module "Let's Go Dark"
Marilyn Manson "Eat Me, Drink Me"

And potential Album of the Year?
London After Midinght "Violent Acts of Beauty" ...when it comes out, soon I hope! :worship: :worship: :worship:
Basically my second fav. band of all-time I'd think, hopefull its as good as the previous two (amazing) albums, I don't think it will top them though, first album since 1996!

Also looking forward to the Genitorturer's new album, since it is supposed to continue where "Sin City" left off, and what a great album that was, first album since 1998!
Porcupine Tree - Fear Of A Blank Planet
Queens Of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris
Priestbird - In Your Time
Pelican - City Of Echoes
God Is An Astronaut - Far From Refuge
Explosions In The Sky - All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone
Circa Survive - On Letting Go
ive not listened too much(non metal i.e) but the one that stands out is trist - hin-fort, amazing ambient by that dude from lunar aurora.
So far:
1. Blackfield- Blackfield II
2. Rumskib- Rumskib
3. Explosions In The Sky- All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone
4. Nine Inch Nails- Year Zero
5. VNV Nation- Judgement
6. Assemblage 23- Meta
7. Porcupine Tree- Fear Of A Blank Planet
So far:
1. Blackfield- Blackfield II
2. Rumskib- Rumskib
3. Explosions In The Sky- All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone
4. Nine Inch Nails- Year Zero
5. VNV Nation- Judgement
6. Assemblage 23- Meta
7. Porcupine Tree- Fear Of A Blank Planet

I keep trying to get into Blackfield because Porcupine Tree are great and so many people praise Blackfield but still.. lots of it just sounds awful to me. :[
I didn't mind Blackfield II. Certainly preferred it to Fear of a Blank Planet. That will go down as the biggest disappointment of 07 without a doubt. Generic prog rock by a band who should know better.
Peoples musical differences couldnt be farther apart on this thread....thats the beauty of it I guess. FOABP is THE album of the year for me. Ive had It for 2 months now and still playing it nonstop. They played it from start-finish the last time I seen them at beginning of this month and It was fucking legendary.
Peoples musical differences couldnt be farther apart on this thread....thats the beauty of it I guess. FOABP is THE album of the year for me. Ive had It for 2 months now and still playing it nonstop. They played it from start-finish the last time I seen them at beginning of this month and It was fucking legendary.

Great way to look at things.

I really suggest that everyone pick up the new interpol album.
Hmm cant really think of anything 2007 at the mo BUT Genesis have got back together fuck yeah.

I checked out that interpol... wah, sounds to much like the killers, wah.