Favorite Recipes


Oct 24, 2010
New York
This thread has probably been done before, but what do you guys like to cook? Any favorite recipes?

Last week I made a pomegranate chicken stew that seemed pretty good.

I made this over the summer a couple of times and it was godly. Miso-Trout!

Also what would you say is the most metal food ever? Kind of want to say anything tandoori.
Ahhh, I was gonna start another cooking topic recently but never did it for some reason, cool to see another one started up \o/ they always end up bein' cool

Anyway here is my recipe for a sorta "jazz curry." Not really a real curry, but is more my version of one.

For 1 person:
1 decent sized onion
1 pepper. I usually go by colour *shrug* haha
Few mushrooms
2 strong chillis for a nice physical purging (you could obviously use less or more depending on strength of the chillis and your personal taste)
1 lemon or orange
beans of some sort

Chop all of that up nice and fine.
Put some oil in your frying pan and heat it up with some spices in it. Ground cumin, nutmeg, maybe some turmeric, paprika, cinnamon even, whatever you feel like. Cumin gives it the curry kinda flavour if you're not specifically setting out to do a proper imitation indian curry.

Fry all your vegetables in that nice n slow. I quite often then grate some lemon or orange zest into the vegetables as they fry, then chop whatever im using in half and squeeze that into the curry. i like lemon for this, citrus-y curry is lovely.
then throw in a tin of chopped tomatoes when everything is nicely fried, bit more cumin to top up the curry taste, now you could throw in some beans too if you felt like it. I quite often throw in kidney beans and butter beans.

Cook it some more, nice and slowly so it thickens up.

Usually have some brown rice going really slowly while I'm cooking the sauce.
Serve with Naan bread and poppadoms if you like, voila.

most of this shit is optional, you may not use all the bits and pieces all in one meal some nights and you may another. i improvise my meals as they cook and just go with what smells right.
make the sauce a bit more beany and use cumin nutmeg and paprika exclusively and go easy on all the citrus-y sweet shit and youve got some mean burritos there too.
gonna make "Maultaschen" today, the swabian version of Raviolli.
Take 500g flour, 4 eggs, 100ml water, a little bit salt, mix it so you
get a hard dough. Put it in the fridge for a few hours.

Take 250g hacked meat, 250g bacon (not breakfast bacon, I mean real
bacon, one big peace that you cut into very small pieces) 2 onions,
250g spinach, a little bit parsley (chop it), a little bit garlic (chop it,too)
a bit salt, a bit pepper, 2 old dry buns (hack them).

Fry the hacked meat, the bacon and the onions, after 3-5 minutes, put
the other stuff in there, too, fry it alltogether for another 2 minutes.
Now it should get cold.

Roll the dough out, it should be very thin, to big plates, put the other stuff
on it and rub it on the dough plates. Roll them up, press them every 5-7 cms,
so you can cut them there without the filling coming out.
Than you have should put them into boiling water for like 10-15 minutes.
When they're finished, you put them into hot soup, I take chicken soup most
of the time.
I make my soup by myself, taking onions, garlic, chicken bones and small pieces
of meat, celery, parsley, peppercorns, carotts, bay leaves, fry it all together
at first the harder things, like the chicken bones, the carotts and the celery.
If everything gets a little "roasted" put cold water on it (so all the little things,
like dirt you couldn't wash away or stuff starts going up in the water, you can get
it out that way very easy) and cook it for a few hours.

I do this every month, until I've got around 2 litres of soup and put it in the freezer,
that way, I have very good, self made soup when ever I want it.
Heretic Pasta Carbonara 666:

For one massively obese person, two regular fat persons like me or four normal persons.
- 400g of spaghetti
- half an onion
- some garlic
- two eggs plus two yolks
- 1dl of light cream (yes, I know the Italians don't use cream in pasta carbonara, that's why this is the heretic version)
- 200g of bacon
- salt
- black ground pepper
- a metric fuck ton of Parmesan cheese

1) Mix the eggs, yolks, cream, a bit of Parmesan grating, salt and black pepper in a bowl.
2) Slice the bacon, dice the onion and garlic and fry them on a pan.
3) Cook the spaghetti until it's al dente, get rid of the water in the kettle, turn off the stove but keep the kettle with the spaghetti on it, and pour in the bacon and onions and the egg mixture.
4) Now, act fast. Mix the egg mixture into the hot spaghetti. The eggs will cook just enough from the heat of the spaghetti. Take the kettle off the stove and mix a bit more. If you're too slow, the eggs will turn into an omelet and you're fucked.
5) Serve with black pepper and absurd amounts of Parmesan on top. Victory.
mmmmmm food..

Chicken/Pork/beef/whatever you want curry

Chili powder 3 teaspoons
Cumin powder 1 1/2
Corriander 2 1/2
Ginger 1
Cinnamon 1
Garam masale 1
Timeric 1/2
Bay leaves 4 or 5
(mix all together)

Heat oil in a bowl

Chop 3 onions, 4 tomatoes, 9 or so potatoes(best part) and 3 or 4 garlic cloves chopped, get some coconut oil aswell

1)Cook your onions and garlic until brown,
2)Add spices
3)Add meat, stir till covererd
4)Add coconut milk and cover for 5 minutes
5)Add tomatoes and slat too taste
6)add potatoes and cover till potatoes are cooked
7)When everything cooked through, stir and add a teaspoon of garam masala..

Not a qick dish, but its worth it in the end..


Hungry now :-)
This thread has probably been done before, but what do you guys like to cook? Any favorite recipes?

Last week I made a pomegranate chicken stew that seemed pretty good.

I made this over the summer a couple of times and it was godly. Miso-Trout!

Also what would you say is the most metal food ever? Kind of want to say anything tandoori.

Was hoping to see a recipe for testicle milkshakes. :waah:
Heretic Pasta Carbonara 666:

For one massively obese person, two regular fat persons like me or four normal persons.
- 400g of spaghetti
- half an onion
- some garlic
- two eggs plus two yolks
- 1dl of light cream (yes, I know the Italians don't use cream in pasta carbonara, that's why this is the heretic version)
- 200g of bacon
- salt
- black ground pepper
- a metric fuck ton of Parmesan cheese

1) Mix the eggs, yolks, cream, a bit of Parmesan grating, salt and black pepper in a bowl.
2) Slice the bacon, dice the onion and garlic and fry them on a pan.
3) Cook the spaghetti until it's al dente, get rid of the water in the kettle, turn off the stove but keep the kettle with the spaghetti on it, and pour in the bacon and onions and the egg mixture.
4) Now, act fast. Mix the egg mixture into the hot spaghetti. The eggs will cook just enough from the heat of the spaghetti. Take the kettle off the stove and mix a bit more. If you're too slow, the eggs will turn into an omelet and you're fucked.
5) Serve with black pepper on absurd amounts of Parmesan on top. Victory.

Trying this!

Drunken Rice-O-Roni
I get hungry while drinking with the band so I make some chicken rice-o-roni... with Tequila (which I'm drinking from the bottle at this point in the night) and Beer (I'm guessing we were drinking Bud or Miller lite)... it was good, I think.. I had alot to drink that night :D

I'll think of a better one a little later, just thought I share that..
My burger recipe

The sauce

1/4 cup KRAFT Miracle Whip
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons, heaping, WISHBONE deluxe French salad dressing (the orange stuff)
1/2 Tablespoon HEINZ sweet relish
2 teaspoons, heaping, VLASIC dill pickle relish (Heinz dill relish also works)
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dried, minced onion
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon ketchup
1/8 teaspoon salt
Mix everything very well in a small container. There better be no streaks! Microwave 25 seconds, and stir well again. Cover, and refrigerate at LEAST 1 hour before using.( to allow all of the flavors to "meld". ) Makes nearly 1 cup...enough for about 8 burgers

(this is a per sandwich recipe)
1 -regular sized sesame seed bun
1 -regular sized plain bun
2 -previously frozen regular beef patties
2 -tablespoons sauce
2 -teaspoons reconstituted onions
1 -slice real American cheese
2 -hamburger pickle slices
1/4 Cup -shredded iceberg lettuce

Discard the crown half of the regular bun, retaining the heel. The cooking method is the same as regular burgers, only the bun toasting method is slightly different. In this burgers case you toast the bottom (heel) first. Do this along with the extra heel. (this will be your middle bun.)
Cook the two-all-beef-patties just like the regular burgers. After the bun parts are toasted, put 1 tablespoon of sauce on each of the heels. (toasted side.) Then add 1/8 cup shredded lettuce to each. On the true bottom bun, place one thin slice of American cheese on top of the lettuce.
On the extra "heel", the middle bun, place two pickle slices on top of the lettuce. Toast the "crown" (top) of the bun also. When the meat patties are done, place them one at a time on both prepared buns. Stack the middle bun on top of the bottom bun, and put the crown on top
For proper "aging", or "Q-ing", ...wrap the finished burger in a 12"x18" sheet of waxed paper as follows:
1...Center the burger, right side up, on the waxed paper. Fold the "long" ends of the paper up over the top. (It will resemble a tube with the burger in the center.)
2...Fold the two remaining ends underneath. Wrap snug, but don't squish it like the regular burgers.
3...Let sit 5-8 minutes, allowing the flavors to "meld"
4...Microwave, still wrapped, 15 seconds on high
Was hoping to see a recipe for testicle milkshakes. :waah:

1. Take balls and ice cream
2. Blender
3. ??????

Actually, here's an imitation testicle milkshake:

2 cups of vanilla ice cream
2 shots of rum
2 shots of vanilla almond milk
add a little heavy cream (I'd start out with half a shot) to desired thickness

Blend to perfection

If you want less fat, but more drunk, just substitute rum for cream. Also, if you want extra protein, put in 2 tablespoons of almond butter or a 1/4 cup of raw almonds
Lol, now I'm superhungry because of you retards :lol:
Oh and Pasta Carbonara is the Best fucking Thing EVER.
And +1 on the absurd amounts of Parmesan. I usually eat one layer of the pasta and then add another two tons of parmesan.

- Put 500 g of minced cow beef into a big enough bowl
- Crack a chicken egg there, and mix the whole thing until even
- Take half of it and squeeze it into a ball, then spread it between your hands into a beef shape, do the same for the remaining part
- Put them on a buttered frying pan, and let them cook until ready (about 10-15 minutes usually)
- During the first turn, put some salt and black pepper on one side, then do the same to the other side

When they're ready, put some taco sauce on a plate, then put one beef on the sauce. Put some cheese on top, and then salad. Then put the second beef on top, and again put some cheese on top. Then put some mayonaise on top of the whole thing :P


- Melt 50 g of butter in a frying pan
- Pour about 400 g of chicken slices there, and cook it thoroughly
- Then pour about 3-5 tablespoons of cocoa milk there and mix it until it's liquid
- Add about a tablespoon of each: salt, chili, dragon, cumin (AKA roman cumin), curry
- and a teaspoon of cardamom
- Mix the whole thing until even
- Add a small jar of tomato pyree, and mix it until the whole thing turns orange coloured

Let it cook at low heat (about 40% of maximum) for 10 minutes. Make a nice mixed salad to accompany it, and add some mayonaise on top :cool:

For pork, I'm trying to learn to make that chinese extremely spicy one, but adding a pre-made Provencale sauce to it also makes it very good :)
Actually, here's an imitation testicle milkshake:

2 cups of vanilla ice cream
2 shots of rum
2 shots of vanilla almond milk
add a little heavy cream (I'd start out with half a shot) to desired thickness

Blend to perfection

If you want less fat, but more drunk, just substitute rum for cream. Also, if you want extra protein, put in 2 tablespoons of almond butter or a 1/4 of raw almonds

Sounds tasty hahaha. I will be tyring this one soon!
(Coal + Fire) + (Top sirloin steak + Kosher salt) = Best food ever
Undead Nazi Salad:

- 400g pasta (fusilli)
- Quite a bit of mettwurst (Or similar wurst type of sausage. As long as it's salty and it sounds German as fuck, we're good to go.)
- Quite a lot of pickles
- 3 or 4 pineapple rings
- Some cheese of your choice (Edam works fine)
- So much cottage cheese it's not even remotely funny
- Peas

For the dressing:
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of water
- 1 teaspoon of mustard
- 1 garlic clove
- 1dl of virgin oil (I guess that's what it's called in English. If you get poisoned or develop some sort of horrible physical deformation, don't blame me.)
- Some ground black pepper

1) Cook the pasta.
2) Dice the other ingredients. Or at least those that can be easily diced. I don't assume you can dice a pea. Use common sense here.
3) Mix pasta and the other stuff.
4) Mix the egg yolk, juice, water, mustard, garlic and pepper really well. Some sort of electric apparatus works here, unless it's something that's used to shock cows to death or something.
5) While still mixing, pour in the oil slowly. Make sure the dressing is nice and smooth.
6) Mix the whole thing together and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.
7) Eat while watching Shock Waves.
8) Prepare for heart burns. This shit is greasy and salty, oh yeah baby.
Take a cow or a big pig, stick a stick in it's ass and put it on a big fucking fire,
put some beer over it, eat it as soon as the blood stops dripping...

now a bit more sure:
as long as the stuff you use has good quality it's not that hard to get some
tasty meal out of it, like a good steak, black pepper, salt, fresh potatoes,
onions, bacon, that's it, as long as you now how to get your pan hot, you
should be able to cook something delicious out of this :D
Best bugers ever:

I make up the recipe each time as I go, so I don't really have exact measurements, haha.

-Ground Beef
-A splash of Worcestershire Sauce
-Diced sweet onion
-A little minced garlic
-some oregano or italian seasoning
-an egg if you want
-a little red-pepper flake if you want them spicy
-and the secret ingredient - a pinch of brown sugar - make sure not to overdo it.

Combine all of the ingredients, pat out the burgers, and then let refrigerate for at least a half-hour. This lets the different flavors really get into the meat.

Grill or pan fry until desired "done-ness"
