Favourite Ambient Song

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Sabin Frost

Doom makes me happy
Apr 21, 2007
South Australia, Australia
Hah! An original(ish) favourites thread. For me its Type O Negative's The Glass Walls of Limbo hands down, its eerie, perfect theme music for a suicide party or just a marching undead horde, I love it.
Hah! An original(ish) favourites thread. For me its Type O Negative's The Glass Walls of Limbo hands down, its eerie, perfect theme music for a suicide party or just a marching undead horde, I love it.

Um... do you mention TON in every post?! Seems like it... :loco:
yeah pretty much... every favourites post at least that is not in regards to musicianship ;)

Seriously though, Glass Walls rocks.

I love TON actually... every album is really good.
For me though... Tomhet. If that counts as ambient.
Well as far as ambient goes or dark ambient, anything from Kammarheit's last album, "The Starwheel" is incredible to say the least. I highly recommend Kammarheit to those who like chilling, dark, dreamlike atmospheric music with great soundscapes and vision. :worship: :worship: :worship:
forest silence is one of my favorite ambient acts ever and their demos are masterpieces.
somethin off biosphere's substrata i guess

p.s. not metal-related, lock thread plz

There are plenty of metal acts that do Ambient songs, the song I mentioned was by a metal band and many bands in the drone doom genre do largely ambient metal. Didn't Varg Vikernes do a few ambient releases from jail as well?

It is possible to make this thread not metal related but it very well can be.
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