Favourite tunes of 2011


Dec 16, 2002
Keen to know some of your fave tunes from last year. Fire away.

Anthrax - Earth on Hell, In The End, Fight Em Till You Can't
Machine Head - I Am Hell
Mastodon - Curl of the Burl
Opeth - Folklore
In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading
Sepultura - Dialog
Arch Enemy - Bloodstained Cross
Mortal Sin - Psycology of Death
Truth Corroded - Hunt All Heroes
the constant and earth on hell,havent really listened to to much stuff lately lol,im still digging kid rocks record and have that on playlist.
Juular - Dev Townsend Project
In the End, Fight Em, Devil You Know, The Constant - some thrash band

Been listening to mostly older material to be honest.