Fear Factory/Transgression.....(What happened to Dino Cazares???)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Greetings all. Just got Fear Factory/Trangression and I like it. I think it is a simplier and rawer Fear Factory album, witha straight forward message and no sci-fi theme. Great riffs and there is even guitar solos in some songs (something never done with Dino) Interesting cover of U2's ," I Will Follow". By the way, does anyone really know why Dino Cazares (original guitarist) left Fear Factory? I heard something that he still owned rights to the Fear Factory name. Any info. appreciated.
he was whiney baby who would throw a tantrum when he didn't get to have complete control of the band.

I haven't heard the thing about him still controlling the rights, but if he did, then I really doubt they could have legally put out more albums without him then.
Yes, I heard the drummer< Raymond, call Dino a "bitter-fat man." As for him having rights to the name, I guess he doesn't or aonly thought he did. Dino sounded arrogant in the interview I read about the Fear Factory hiatus and him having rights to the name. thanks for the info.
actually, back when all that shit was going down, i believe dino's side of the story. ray wouldnt lift a finger when it came to ANYTHING to do with that band unless he was getting paid.

in a perfect world dino would have complete control of FF. he was the main songwriter and the backbone of that band. he left, and they suck now. transgression sucks..., lets face it. no dinno = no riffs.
I think Archetype is pretty good and Transgression is decent although not up to Fear Factory standards.

If Dino was the main songwriter, it should be known that he wanted to take FF in a more nu direction, ala Digimortal.
dino acknowledged that demanufacture was/is their best album as well as at the time of recording digimortal, they were under immense pressure from RR to make as many 'radio friendly songs as possible.' i can guarantee that when dino finally comes out with a new band that he is in charge of the music will be heavier and faster than fear factory.
Skeksis said:
If Dino was the main songwriter, it should be known that he wanted to take FF in a more nu direction, ala Digimortal.

yes, that's the key.

regardless of the quality of Transgression, I would much rather hear that than anything they may have done if they continued in that direction with Dino.

I think the new one could have been a great album.. it just feels unfocused. they may have had a point to make as they said, but I don't think they accomplished their goal to the level they claim.
Devy_Metal said:
dino acknowledged that demanufacture was/is their best album as well as at the time of recording digimortal, they were under immense pressure from RR to make as many 'radio friendly songs as possible.' i can guarantee that when dino finally comes out with a new band that he is in charge of the music will be heavier and faster than fear factory.

brujeria is heavier and faster than fear factory, are you hoping for something along those lines?

hahahahah, right, good luck dino
can fat man dino dance - NO
the band at one stage on the australian tour of 1993, when he was sleeping on the tour bus, tried to kill him by gagging him with a huge dildo...but alas the band manager/bus driver/drug pusher saved him from brian jones stardom.
Chromatose said:
yes, that's the key.

regardless of the quality of Transgression, I would much rather hear that than anything they may have done if they continued in that direction with Dino.

I think the new one could have been a great album.. it just feels unfocused. they may have had a point to make as they said, but I don't think they accomplished their goal to the level they claim.

I agree with your review, it does seem a tad unfocused. There are some gems on it though, in my opinion. 540,000 Degrees Fahrenheit, Supernova, Moment of Impact, Empire, and Echoes Of My Scream sound pretty good.
Dino was her ein vegas a few weeks ago playing with Mudvayne as a SPECIAL guest. He had some odd Leatherface type mask on and was just know as "THE GUITARIST" I cant remember the name of the band that opened but i know for a fact it was dino. Ibanez custom 7 string single humbucker, Black T Shirt, Black Shorts, Real Fat, No stage moves other than standing in one place and head banging, and the tone was so DIGITAL.... It was DEFINITELY Dino ....

The band was HEAVY as fuck, but they were playing Hip Hop beats, kinda sounded like a death metal version of KORN. It sucked ... Nuff Said!

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