Fear me!!


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
For I have reached the mythical number of 9000!
Bow to me.
Also,I am on the page one of the top posters,finally.
Weeks of spamming have finally paid off.
Click on Member's list.Then when it loads click on Posts and it will take you to a page where all the people with the most posts are.
That was my spot last week.it took me a while to catch up cause I left for two weeks and I was on first place,ahead of Koich and Phoenix,but they really posted a lot while I was gone so they got way ahead of me.
pffft but post count isnt displayed anymore, which means its not important anymore, and no one should care about it anymore!
Violet Baudelaire said:
pffft but post count isnt displayed anymore, which means its not important anymore, and no one should care about it anymore!
But it's easy to find if you know where to look
Seraphim said:
There is a page of top posters? I did not know. Congrats

Sort the members list by posts, descending. I'm almost on the first page, as is TB "Lesbian Porn and Summoning" 666.
I have 7,833 posts, and am 39th out of all the members. I'm the third highest out of people who registered in 2003, too.