"Fear of the Dark" by....Spinal Tap?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Being that the early 90s were a totally putrid period of Maiden's esteemed career, it can be said that, not Maiden, but, actually, Spinal Tap were the authors of the horrid affair known as "Fear of the Dark".

Obviously, it couldn't have been Maiden's record! Could the same band that wrote & released classic, classy metal tracks such as "Infinite Dreams", "Hallowed Be thy Name", "Purgatory" & "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" really be the same band that wrote...<gulp>..."Fear is the Key", "Apparition", "From Here to Eternity" and the embarrasing "Weekend Warrior"??!?!? I doubt it.

Heck, even the silly "Eddie props" were a joke on that tour. Does anyone remember the childish "tree Eddie" that stalked the stage?
Pure cheese & idiocy.

THank godlessness that the 'Tap gave up this gig!
Fear Of The Dark owns you.

Ha ha!! :lol: What an original idea! Compare a band you don't like to Spinal Tap! That's genius! I've never seen that done before! True genius! I can hardly stop laughing!
Really! How funny!
Soundmaster is a genius!
Spinal Tap....!!!.. and...Maiden!! : Fear of the dark! Ahahhaaaa!! :lol:
God, that's funny AND original cos no ones ever compared a band to Spinal Tap before have they? It would take a comedy GENIUS to come up with an idea like that surely! :zombie:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Did I say this thread is really original?

If "originality" had any true relevance in your eyes, you wouldn't be a Maiden fan.

The "spinal Tap" comparisons concerning this period of Maiden are totally justified & fit perfectly.

When Metallica began to suck, one couldn't rightfully label them as doing "the Tap". It just doesn't fit with what they did. Maiden, on the other hand, became a complete parody of themselves. And that, my friend, is the absolute definition of Spinal Tap.

So, while you may be one of those 'fan boy' types who simply can not believe/accept the fact that his fav band CAN, in fact, record & release awful music, it does happen, quite often, I assure you! ;)

Read it. Believe it. Accept it.
And move on! :grin:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Ha ha!! :lol: What an original idea! Compare a band you don't like to Spinal Tap! That's genius! I've never seen that done before! True genius! I can hardly stop laughing!
Really! How funny!
Soundmaster is a genius!
Spinal Tap....!!!.. and...Maiden!! : Fear of the dark! Ahahhaaaa!! :lol:
God, that's funny AND original cos no ones ever compared a band to Spinal Tap before have they? It would take a comedy GENIUS to come up with an idea like that surely! :zombie:

There's a reason why the Spinal Tap/90s Maiden thing really ISN'T original: and that's because the comparison is SO perfect, so fitting, that it's been uttered 18,383,287 times. Again, it just makes perfect sense.

I'm no fanboy - I only bought FotD last month cos I went off Maiden after they released NPFTD. I never bought either of the Bayley "records" and I only came back to Maiden with BNW.
I just think you like to post saying everything is shit to annoy people. FotD isn't as good as Powerslave but it's okay.
And anyone over the age of 16 must have seen Spinal Tap/Band X comparisons a million times so when we see another one it's REALLY NOT FUNNY, it's tiresome.
It just looks like a) you're 13 years old and have only just discovered the majesty of Tap, or b)you are a hell of an unfunny guy.

Because Maiden used to write big epic lyrics about poetry and ancient myths and Weekend Warrior is about football hooligans. They just seem to be going backwards instead of forwards sometimes.