Feared - Possessed #Mixing Practice Feedback Please


New Metal Member
Jun 24, 2013
Sorry for old thread because link is not works so I uploaded it to Soundcloud instead.
I have tried to do this several times. Until think enough to everyone listen.

Mix on $10 headphone

Feedback and commemt please I will have to improve.

Thanks for listen.
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Good mix balance for the $10 phones. :)

Some advices:
  • Did not like the snare: it lacks attack and the top mic sound. Too smashed, but not fat.
  • Kick is pretty descent, perhaps just low the 80-100 Hz a bit.
  • Also would like to hear the vox more clearly.
  • Lead guitars are too boomy, bring the noise to the mix. Use the hi-pass on them to defeat that and avoid such lowy/loud reverberation. The mix starts distorting, when they play.
  • Maybe slightly more compression to the OHs.
Thank you Sir. I was young and a little experience,skill but I will improved and buy studio monitors to the better mix. Finally, I do it seriously. :)