Feedback on postrocky stuff with Violin..


Jul 13, 2005
I would you guys opinion on this, since i've recorded this 4 months ago, and it took ages to finish due to tours and lazy bandmembers haha

So know i'm kinda over analyzing thinks with the mix and not getting anywhere..

Maybe some fresh input will do it :)

No automation yet, and drums are 100 % natural, no replacement whatsoever, all Compression is coming from my Daoc tube opto Compressor in hardknee on the Drumbuss btw.

Thanks upfront!

the guitars could come up alittle. I also think you might want to dip out that ping alittle on the snare, sounds like somewhere around 400-500hz. I like it overall, it has a cool vibe.
Thanks Keith! yeah your right about the snare, it just wouldn't go away for some reason, tuned it, taped it, moongelled it etc... i'll see what some dipping does!

About the compressor, Pim Duiverman ( ) built it for me to my " needs" and it just sounds awesome!

La2a ish compression with a hard and softknee switch! it finds it way on just about every recording about now, from Drumsubmixes in hardknee to leveling out bass and vocals in softknee without hearing only the slightest compression " artifact" and adding a rreeaaaally nice sheen.
Especially the vocals in softer kinds of music realy benefit from this one :)

I love it! I'm also putting some masters through i for the trafo/tube goodness and for clipping my converters.. :)

Here are some pics (they arent the unit itself but its the same frontplate and design)

Yo bro! You and I go way back you know why I always loved your stuff? You have a very fresh but distinct engineering style and sound. I fucking love it!

It's very vibey (in the good way) and this stuff is no exception! Great Job dude!