Feedback this, oooh... you wise men


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
This is my 3rd attempt mixing this song for my side project SOULITUDE, your expert advices and tips are welcome.
It is mixed and mastered at home with headphones. I'm sure your comments will help me a lot.
MP3, 44.100, 192 Kbps

How it was recorded
Pulsar 2 Soundcard (studio)
Terratec's DMXFire Soundcard (home)
Recorded in Cubase SX (48 KHz, 16bits)

Drums: Real acoustic drums (except kick) + Shure drum mics (studio)
Kick: Sneap's Kick
Bass: Direct In + Ampeg's VST (home)
Guitars: Pod XT + Revalver (home)
Vocals: SM57 (studio) + SM57 (home)
Keyboards: Different VSTi's (home)

Mix and Master:
Waves Reinassance (RComp, RVerb)
Kjaerhaus Classic Delay
Revalver MkII
T-Racks for mastering.
To me, the kick and snare are way too quiet. I'd have the snare quite loud for this kind of metal. The snare sounds very weak IMO. Perhaps add another layer or two with different samples.

The bass could probably do with some more "life". Perhaps run the midrange into a distortion plugin to dirty them up a tad and bring them out a bit. Pretty standard practice I think, and works wonders IMO.

I like the vocals a lot man. Pretty kickass. Cool song too.
Sounds pretty good. I like the guitar tones a lot. Just quick initial impressions: I agree with above. Bring the snare and maybe the kick up. Especially the snare. The main vocal lines (not the occasional stereo vocal lines) need to come up too...and maybe compressed harder. I think that'd be a good start. It sounds good, just needs a little bit of tweaking.
bass drum needs to go WAY up! Hi hat could go down, and the rest of the drums could come up just a tad. I dig the song though
Thanks, I improved the snare sound by adding some harmonic exciter and a bit mor of reverb, now is much better. I also changed the bass sound with the Ampeg modeler and its been improved.
The kick... still I'm doing experiments but nothing. Perhaps I should change the sample of the kick.