Feedback would be appreciated


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2011
Hello, sorry for starting a thread with no previous posts, but I've been lurkin all around the forum. Used a lot of the information in these Sneap pages to do my mix. My band, home recorded, many hours.

Critical Feedback welcome.

Madison Divinity II
Peavey 6534+
Orange 412 (both)
Audix i5

Superior Drummer 2.0 (Ola's video's are teh shit)

Zoom Interface :p


Logic Pro 9
About 14 Hours Mixing whole EP. Probably still needs lots more :/

Would like to mostly ask for consideration about levels, placement of instruments in mix, etc. Voicing on the mid section, and attack of following section.

Thanks all.
Might that have been from the aif to mp3 compression?

I did not put any compressor on the master channel, BUT I do compress a lot of the guitars and vox. :p

Thanks man, appreciate it.
kick is pumping beyond belief, snare is squashed as well. Really work on your compression settings. try easing up on the release for the kick. Actually, first, get it sounding good with no compression. just use eq, start by carving out frequencies and making everything fit together because right now it just sounds really noisy and unpleasant. once you get that settled you can move onto some compression on your individual tracks to try and squeeze a little extra life out of them. Keep at it!
I always have trouble with the kick, I want it to be loud and present, but not so powerful. :/