Female-fronted Band, Garland Amp, Music Man Bass


Nov 19, 2005
That's the band's first demo. Unfortunately, they didn't ask me anything about drum traking and just sent me some drum tracks that are very far from ideal and also with a healthy dose of guitar bleed in every track. Obviously I made them retrack the guitars at least. The drummer had went abroad so I had to deal with these drum tracks.

Guitars were double tracked with some cheap Jackson (PU was an EMG81) into my amp. Bass is a Music Man S.U.B. , one track is lowpassed and with the Ampeg plugin on and the other was reamped through my amp and hipassed. Vocals were recorded with a StudioProjects B1 in my booth of death/sauna.

This is what I came up with

This is what I'm working with:
no processing

The mix is almost final, I just would you guys to tell me if there's something wrong with the mix but any comments are welcome really :)
Thanks :headbang:
Thanks :kickass:

I wanted to use more of the original snare but it has the kind of bleed that makes your hi-hat go in the center and adds the original guitar and a number of other things into the mix, which ends up being one big mess. :erk:

Is there anything else that springs to mind while listening?