Female Fronted Rock/Pop Band

I'd suggest maybe dropping the high end on the guitar a bit to make the vocals stand out, but certainly don't turn the vocals' volume up. Also, for this particular style, and this is just an idea, why not try to do a Devin Townsend and put delay on guitars and vocals to give it a bigger sound? I'm thinking something like this:

Because I personally think that that is definately what can make this song a lot better, if done right.

EDIT: okay listening through headphones now to pick up some details:

Are those lead guitars low-passed? I'm hearing a lot of squeaky frequencies on them.

How are the vocals during the harmonies? I'm hearing one harmony voice panned slightly to the right, is that so? And during the doubled parts, are both the doubled and main vocals centered? How many vocal tracks, guitar and bass tracks?
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Thanks guys! I'm working on all those things.

There is a low pass on all the guitars but I'll go ahead and lower it because they really are too bright.
As far as vocals there's one main vocal which is always centered. There's one harmony track which is also centered because it only comes up a couple times.
I copied the main vocal and put a spreader on it but just for the chorus, so that's probably what you're hearing.
There's 3 guitar tracks, 1 bass, and three vocal tracks.
Thanks guys! I'm working on all those things.

There is a low pass on all the guitars but I'll go ahead and lower it because they really are too bright.
As far as vocals there's one main vocal which is always centered. There's one harmony track which is also centered because it only comes up a couple times.
I copied the main vocal and put a spreader on it but just for the chorus, so that's probably what you're hearing.
There's 3 guitar tracks, 1 bass, and three vocal tracks.

What I would suggest doing to the harmonies is tracking two harmony tracks and panning them left and right about 80% and adjust the EQ until it sits right. Also, I personally haven't had good experiences with spreaders, I suggest you go back and double track it tightly twice more, and again pan those left and right, play around with the panning until it sounds right.

Just my 2 cents, and what has worked best for me so far.
Yeah that's what I would normally do. But unfortunately they tracked this stuff like a year ago and brought it to me to mix.
They re-tracked guitar, bass, and drums. But I the vocalist is in LA so I have to work with what they gave me.
I really appreciate all the help though! Hopefully I can get her in here sometime to tweak some stuff.
Are you by any chance allowed to upload the individual tracks? I'd love to just give this a whirl for fun, because I might have a chance to record/mix a similar band in the future and would appreciate the chance to be able to practice without time pressure.

If not, that's cool too, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask :p