Festival DVD???

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Just curious if you guys will be filming the bands for a DVD that could be sold at next year's fest or on your website. Heathen Crusade does that, and I think it's a really killer idea. Of course, that all depends on your budget and all.

If not, oh well!
dvd could have a song or 2 from the openers, 4 songs from the headliners.... thats how the HC2 people are doing it, I think... although tht could bring some copyright issues from labels.
Or they could make (Or lose, depending on how you look at it) some REAL money and really film the whole concert. :lol: Publish it in a 10 DVD set as Encylopedia Powerfestia.
The DVD would not be a big seller. The ProgPower DVD doesnt even sell out. That fest sells out months in advance and the DVD doesnt even come close to selling out. I collect DVD's like nuts and I dont think I would even get the Powerfest DVD. There is only a small fanbase of band DVD collectors out there.

I could go on and on about music DVD's. I have seen the best (Therion) to the worst (Nuclear Assault). If anyone wants to detour this thread to discussing DVD's of bands...feel free.

Some of the better ones I have seen are the ones that have a great live show...lots of extras...history of...and more.
ND have been talking about putting out a DVD for a while now.
I would not be surprised if they film some or all of their set to be included in their DVD if they do one...
Well, it would be nifty if it was filmed for bonus footage for a future DVD, but for the main part of their DVD, I'd prefer to see a longer set with a bigger variety in songs. It's bound to happen at some point.