Fiction Enhanced version (Germany)


New Metal Member
Feb 18, 2005
Hi all,

is anyone experiencing problems with the ''enhanced'' version of Fiction? The vids work okay but I cannot access the wallpapers. The autoplay screen (when you insert the CD) tells you to open the extras folder on the CD, but all that's in there is a load of files I cannot open, no images.

If this is supposed to be the ''enhanced' version'', it's pretty disappointing. Oh well, yes, there was a riny DT patch included....
I have the same. Afaik it's not just the German enhanced version that has that problem. It was discussed in another thread, too, but no one has found a solution yet.
I haven't yet got Fiction (shame!!), but.. what extensions do those files have? Maybe they are image files of some weird kind, and you need a special software to open them or something...
Trouble is that there are no file extensions. Ain't got a clue how to open the files.

I guess writing to Century Media would be a good idea, it seems that they didn't get it right since so many people are experiencing the problem.
I have a Mac :) , so I'll tell you if there's any difference for Mac users :p .

o_O maybe CM did a macebre deal with Steve jobs so that in order for DT fans to see the extra content you have to buy a Mac!!!

o_O o_O o_O

Hehehe :p , my guess is that they didn't "program" it right and that we'll have to buy another digi-pack ver. in order to see the extra contents :erk: .
Which brings us to the question.. is there a digipack after all? I bought the limited version but it's a jewel case. Sorry for my ignorance, i think it's been mentioned before.
Oh well I don't have the cd yet so I thought the enhanced ver. was a digi-pack :rolleyes: :p . Ah so it's just a normal jewel-case? :ill: Pity :erk: . Oh well at least it has extra and different artwork right? :)
I have a Mac :) , so I'll tell you if there's any difference for Mac users :p .

o_O maybe CM did a macebre deal with Steve jobs so that in order for DT fans to see the extra content you have to buy a Mac!!!

o_O o_O o_O

Hehehe :p , my guess is that they didn't "program" it right and that we'll have to buy another digi-pack ver. in order to see the extra contents :erk: .
No way. :| I've got an iMac but i can't open those fuggin files, i'm going crazy. :|

I've got an Intel mac, but Rosetta does not seem to work. And what's more, these files' infos tell me that they've got something to do with Macromedia Director...which means that they should be viewed via the Projector in the root directory. I think that most probably there has been a mistake in the production of the enhanced section, but god! i want those wallpapers. :/
I am wondering whether anyone from Dt or CM reads this. It's obvious now that they messed up the "enhanced" wallpaper part. It's about time they realized this and put up the freebies for download or something. It really annoys me to pay extra money (17 Euros after all) and then it's not working.
No way. :| I've got an iMac but i can't open those fuggin files, i'm going crazy. :|

I've got an Intel mac, but Rosetta does not seem to work. And what's more, these files' infos tell me that they've got something to do with Macromedia Director...which means that they should be viewed via the Projector in the root directory. I think that most probably there has been a mistake in the production of the enhanced section, but god! i want those wallpapers. :/

Well my Mac is not an Intel Mac, but still it should read the cd at least! :mad: I mean it doesn't even read it! Funny thing is it does the normal version :rolleyes: :mad: .

mCSAR said:
I am wondering whether anyone from Dt or CM reads this. It's obvious now that they messed up the "enhanced" wallpaper part. It's about time they realized this and put up the freebies for download or something. It really annoys me to pay extra money (17 Euros after all) and then it's not working.

I don't think anyone over there reads this, but still we should/must e-mail CM telling them that it doesn't work so they can have it up-loaded in their web-page! I'll send the e-mail now :mad: .

afz902k said:
Something tells me I'd be better off buying the non-enhanced version.

Well the enhanced one comes with a lovely "plastic DT logo" (which actually looks like a presentation card for a graphic designer :) :p ), and it does come with a small yet lovely patch :) :kickass: . So it's not all about the extras ;) .
I just had the awesome idea to use the plastic DT-logo with a spray can to spray the logo everywhere. Now I just have to find out on which everywhere it looks best. Feel free to steal the idea.