Fight Fire with Fire


Jan 29, 2004
Bergen County, N.J.
Polarity sure has stirred things up around here lately. I find it rather entertaining to be honest.........every once in a while you need a good war, it keeps things interesting.................I know Polarity I know......I'll stop posting.
This has no purpose in General MUSIC Discussion. In times like this, we COULD use a moderator.
5thSeason said:
Thats not why New Jersey sucks... Bon Jovi is why Jersey sucks (oh, and the Devils... go flyers!). :)
You're such a fucking dolt. Not only are you a dolt simply because you are, but because you name a band and a sports team that you don't like, and then use that as justification for an entire state as a whole to suck. Why don't you start somewhere in the south west, say....CALIFORNIA, WHO HAS THE TERMINATOR AS GOVERNOR.