Filii Nigrantium Infernalium -Fellatrix Discordia Pantokrator

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Who said the Portuguese were a bunch of lazy vunts who chew on straw and fail to bathe? After a few hellish cords from fellatio discordio you'll be consuming your meals via a straw whilst bathing in your own Asperger's induced slobber. This is a fairly new album (2005) from a long established act, which like a 1000 other album have gone unnoticed here in the humble and hallowed halls of RC. As I pump this low quality FLV and rip ass from the vast quantity of fish I have consumed over the past few hours, I'm quite impressed with the solid, albeit scant, offerings coming from "Western Spain."

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Cool. They covered "Angel Of Death" and "Raining Blood" both in the same song. The vocals DO have a perverse charm.... perverse, as in the screams coming from Jerry Sandusky's showers. Otherwise, I find this stuff to be rather prosaic :(