Filling a pikcup cavity


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
i need to change both my RR and warlock to single hubucker guitars.

Whats the best, cheapest, easiest way to fill in the enck pickup cavity.
cheapest? easiest? just leave the neck-PU where it is and don't use it ;)

sorry, I don't have any idea about filling pickup-cavities...........
Well dude, i wanna use a single Dimebucker and there is no point in having an EMG 85 in there for no reason, hence, filling it up.
Best way - Fill it with a solid piece of wood, glued in with wood glue, sand it level, fill any cracks with wood filler (minimal hopefully), sand it again and refinish the guitar.

Easiest way - Get some pickguard material, cut it slightly larger than the hole and screw it on. You could always airbrush a design on the cover too....or maybe a cool sticker would work if desired. If you're feeling really artistic, you could even cut the material in a shape, like a bat or something. But of course, just plain would suit the purpose - and be the easiest.

Cheapest way (my pick) - leave the neck pickup in it - or take out the EMG and throw in a cheapo humbucker. Any alterations will probably hurt the value of your guitar(s) if you ever decide to part with them. But that's up to you.
Yeah, i would love a kill switch.

So, what you're saying is......

the wood way is the best....

Which is cool with me.
my guitar is being worked on now and Im getting the 85 neck taken out. he is just gonna put a plate over it and take the 85 as payment. works for me. I'll post a pic when I get it back.