Film Quiz:


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
What was written on the bottom of the coffee cup at the end of The Usual Suspects?

Story behind this: the guy in the cube next to me vandalized som guy's office after he quit and got one of those dry erase boards that had the Quartet logo in the lower right hand corner, just like the one in Usual Suspects, and that prompted me to ask him what was on teh coffee mug. We couldn't remember. Can you?
Originally posted by deadair
..."somthing" brothers... or, mmmm something.
Like the Hills Brothers Coffee?

one time me and 2 guys dressed up in t shirts with coffee stains on them to make fun of our band director because he spilled coffee on himself everyday. we were the Phills Brothers- his name was Phil Johnson. it was funny at the time- well, we were band nerds. and he just cried out for being made fun of.
I managed to avoid ever being pictured in my HS yearbook except for the damn band photos. Dammit. oh, except for my sr. pic which doesn't count.

I hated band so much my sr. year I purposely played badly. playing heavily ahead or behind of the beat and throwing the whole band's tempo off. playing entire pieces a 1/2 step off. it was the only thing that made it livable.
Originally posted by avi
I managed to avoid ever being pictured in my HS yearbook except for the damn band photos. Dammit. oh, except for my sr. pic which doesn't count.

I hated band so much my sr. year I purposely played badly. playing heavily ahead or behind of the beat and throwing the whole band's tempo off. playing entire pieces a 1/2 step off. it was the only thing that made it livable.

I would play entirely different songs during pep-songs at football games. Or I would completely improvise my own version of the fight song. It kept me sane all those many years.
i love it when people who went to school with me and haven't seen me in a while say how much they miss me injecting the pep band songs with metal guitar when they go to a game and hear the wimpy new pep band playing. it brings a tear to my eye to know i made a difference in the lives of drunken sports fans.
My high-school band played "Love Her Madly" and "Is This Love?". It was pretty fun, actually.

Actually, does this mean I can say "I used to play with maudlin of the Well"? What if I said "sort of" after that?
See, we didn't have guitar in our band, so I had to settle for playing some fucking awesome sax solo shit. Although rest assured that if it had been suggested, I would have been on that!
Originally posted by xfer
My high-school band played "Love Her Madly" and "Is This Love?". It was pretty fun, actually.

Actually, does this mean I can say "I used to play with maudlin of the Well"? What if I said "sort of" after that?

oh shit i was talking my college pep band! but i totally forgot about high school!

me, you, toby, lou, CK, shawn and i think one other girl who i can't remember. lol

fun times there.

i remember toby and i doing our master of puppets medley at the school concert back in 94
i was in the high school band for a year but everyone hated me! we didnt have guitars but we did have a high school jazz band too and they were dece.