Films, Films and more Films


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
We haven't had a good thread about all the latest blockbuster films in ages soooooooooooooooooo.....

Spiderman 3 - saw it today. Took my son and my nephew. We all loved it. Bruce Campbell's little cameo as the French Head Waiter is worth the admission alone. One thing I will give all 3 Spiderman films is the depth of the character development. I have enjoyed all 3 films and actually found them progressively more enjoyable as well.

Sunshine - Danny Boyle's 2001 meets Event Horizon is actually quite a little surprise. Loved it. Believable sets and acting, has that element of surprise as you don't know what to expect and a bit out there in some of its cinematography - also Aussie actress, Rose Byrne is a babe (love this girl). Cillian Murphy is fast becoming one of my favourite actors too - wierd looking, unconventional and actually very talented.

300! - I know there was thread about this before but I loved this film. Ripper art direction and just a great example of how a comic book can be adapted to film with very stunning results.

Looking forward to seeing the following real soon too:
-28 Days Later
-Transformers (that new trailer that hit the web 2 days ago is KILLER)
Finally sat down with the wife and watched "Man Of The Year" last night - not the screwball kind of comedy the ads made it out to be, ended up turning into a suspense/action movie at certain points. Robin Williams was fantastic - played a TV host who actually believed in honesty. And - someone slap me - I've now found two movies in which I liked Lewis Black. (Thought one of his stand-up performances was sub-par.)
Man i gotta disagree with spidey 3, id say its the weakest in the trilogy. The whole venom character was just poor and Sandman's fate made me want to vomit. Mary jane bitches to much and spidey goes emo instead of badass. That said, its still not a bad movie.

Sunshine looks cool and 300 was awesome, got reservations about transformers though.
I haven't seen any of these movies yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing Spider-Man 3 and 300.

I've never heard of sunshine.

If you like Cillian Murphy and haven't seen it yet, check out Red Eye. He really is weird looking!:lol:

Oh and, I thought Man Of The Year was supposed to be a comedy too and I really don't care for Robin Williams' comedies. He was great in Insomnia and One Hour Photo though. He should always play the bad guy roles!
With the exception of Bruce Campbell, I thought Spider-Man 3 was pretty bad. Where the fuck was Venom's tongue?

I'm looking forward to Die Hard 4, TMNT and most of all The Simpsons Movie.

Does anyone know if Rambo 4's coming out this year? The trailer looks awesome!:kickass:
Agreed (//_-)
seriously, wtf is with that scene where he dances down the street, goes into the clothes shop, gets kitted out and then dances infront of the shop :erk:

hahaha yeah that both sucked and blowed but at least it got a laugh out of me. It wouldnt be out of place on the blooper reel.

The rambo trailer is awesome: blowing someone apart at point blank with an anti-aircraft gun. Does it get any more old school than that?
Ah you don't know what funny is ya bastards...

;-) That bit in Spidey where he was walking down the street made me my pants laughing. They maintained their quirkiness about Spidey that sets this series of films and the comics themselves away for the normal, brooding superhero types.

Watched Apocalypse Now again today - the Redux. Whacked on the DVD and I remembered just how much I love this film. Possibly the most perfect war film ever made. Such a trip of a film.
Ah you don't know what funny is ya bastards...

;-) That bit in Spidey where he was walking down the street made me my pants laughing. They maintained their quirkiness about Spidey that sets this series of films and the comics themselves away for the normal, brooding superhero types..

Ah you don't know what funny is ya bastards...

;-) That bit in Spidey where he was walking down the street made me my pants laughing. They maintained their quirkiness about Spidey that sets this series of films and the comics themselves away for the normal, brooding superhero types.

Totally agree. Peter Parker is a dork. He's supposed to not be cool. That's why I love him.
I thought Spidey 3 was alright, i feel there should have been more of Venom and less of Sandman (not that he got a great deal of screen time though).

Movie wise at the minute i loved the skin head movie "This is England", Shrek 3 was pretty funny and "28 Weeks Later" was almost as good as the first one.

Oh and a DVD my mate sent me " OH NO MY DAUGHTERS DATING COCKZILLA" was pretty entertaining.:erk:
The only one I've seen is 300 and it kicked ass. I plan on seeing Pirates this weekend when it starts.

I hate to be the wet blanket, but I hate the Spider-Man movies. The action sequences of him jumping around everywhere are some of the crappiest examples of modern CGI, Kirsten Dunst is over-rated as fuck and just can't act, and overall the movies look like they're the "Star Wars new trilogy" type of movie that's more catered to sell merchandise than be any good.
As far as at the theatre goes this year: Zodiac was decent but would have rather have watched it at home on a rainy day. 300 was truly original and entertaining. The Hills Have Eyes 2 is by far the biggest piece of shit I've wasted time and money on this year. Grindhouse was really cool. I saw the 2nd feature 'Death Proof' twice. Quentin fires me up with his flicks. Plan on checking out 28 Weeks Later tommorow or Thurs.

I just purchased the 2-disc version of Pan's Labrynth and 2-disc, 24 episodes of Droopy. They both rule. I have way too many copies of stuff that are cool like Children of Men, Idiocracy, Crank, Jackass 2, Half-Nelson. The Dead Girl would have been better if they put in frickin' score or something. Here's what I rented in the last 90 days.

Premonition, 2004 05/18/07 Marebito, 2004 05/18/07 Babel, 2006 05/18/07
Movies You've Returned
DVD TitleShippedReturnedProblemLast 30 Days The Best of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, 2004 05/14/0705/18/07 Seraphim Falls, 2007 05/14/0705/18/07 The Fountain, 2006 05/14/0705/18/07 Tourist Trap, 1979 05/07/0705/14/07 Burnt Offerings, 1976 05/07/0705/14/07 The Legend of Hell House, 1973 05/07/0705/14/07 The Hitcher, 2007 04/30/0705/07/07 Little Children, 2006 04/30/0705/07/07 Thr3e, 2007 04/30/0705/07/07 Alpha Dog, 2006 04/30/0705/07/07 Infection, 2005 04/24/0704/30/07 10th & Wolf, 2006 04/24/0704/30/07 Black Christmas, 2006 04/20/0704/30/07 The Hamiltons, 2006 04/25/0704/30/07 Dead Man's Shoes, 2004 04/16/0704/25/07 Notes on a Scandal, 2006 04/16/0704/24/07 Night of the Demons, 1988 04/18/0704/24/07Last 31-90 Days Smokin' Aces, 2007 04/16/0704/20/07 Vamp, 1986 04/12/0704/18/07 Let's Go to Prison, 2006 04/11/0704/16/07 Turistas, 2006 04/11/0704/16/07 Wicked Little Things, 2006 04/11/0704/16/07 Mad Cowgirl, 2006 04/05/0704/12/07 We Were Soldiers, 2002 04/04/0704/11/07 The United States of Leland, 2004 04/04/0704/11/07 S.O.D.: Kill Yourself: The Movie, 2000 04/04/07- Robin Williams: Live on Broadway, 2002 03/26/0704/02/07 Beer League, 2006 03/26/0704/02/07 Zombie, 1979 03/23/0703/30/07 Blood Diamond, 2006 03/20/0703/27/07 The Shield: Season 3: Disc 4, 2004 03/19/0703/26/07 Harsh Times, 2005 03/19/0703/26/07 District B13, 2004 03/12/0703/23/07 Jesus Camp, 2006 03/12/0703/19/07 Hollywoodland, 2006 03/12/0703/19/07 Altered, 2006 03/05/0703/12/07 Pink Flamingos, 1972 03/05/0703/12/07 The Return, 2006 03/05/0703/12/07 Tenacious D in: The Pick of Destiny, 2006 02/27/0703/05/07 The Prestige, 2006 02/27/0703/05/07 American Hardcore, 2006

From the library today I picked up some movies titled: A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Running with Scissors and Old Joy.