Final AJ shows


Jun 9, 2008
Blue Mountains, Australia

He's leaving for Hong Kong. Both shows are cheap.
Hey man, I'll be at Under the Southern Cross 2- my band Troldhaugen is playing our first show. Should be fun :)
Bump for this weekend!


Rampage--------: 3:20pm-3:55pm
Troldhaugen-----: 4:10pm-4:45pm
Forgery----------: 5:00pm-5:35pm
Mother Eel-------: 5:50pm-6:25pm
Rampant---------: 6:40pm-7:15pm
Synperium-------: 7:30pm-8:05pm
Metal------------: 8:20pm-9:00pm
Devine Electric---: 9:15pm-10:00pm 

Norse------------: 10:15pm-11:00pm

Final show with AJ.
That was my first (and unforunately last) Mother Eel show. Holy fuck was it memorable. It pretty much fucked me and the rest of Troldhaugen up for the rest of the night like "What the hell did we just see!?" :lol:. Greatest stage exit I've ever seen too.

haha as if this doesn't come off epic fanboy, but yea, just sucks the first gig a saw was your last show.
Dave, we say grind cant be loving. HAHAHA! He's not really featured in many of the pictures, so I'm sure he doesn't care...

Thanks Matt. Technically it's not our last show ever. We've just got to get a drummer.
We're looking forward to your next shows. For a first show, you all seemed really comfortable onstage and things can only get better right??!!