Final Demo before release GROOVE FEST!!!!


Ok guys!

Some of you may have caught most of this in another thread I did last week or so, but this is the final version before it goes out to the rest of the band etc it's vastly refined, tighter, better, last riff is just.. ARGH I love it now hahaha!!!

I'm just after feedback on the track performance, riffs, flow, lyrics etc... Just everything. Be as nice or as harsh as you feel, I'm just after a general "what do you think of this" type deal.



Rise of men,
They tend the embers we've forgotten,
They turn the martyrs to denial,
And send their wrath,

We climb the mountains eye,

We are not the ones
We are not the ones (Descend),
We are not the ones (Resent),
We are not the ones (Decide),

Reason listen to the treason,
I beg of you this day,
Just listen, listen,

Reason listen to the treason (look what we have done),
Reason listen to the trees son (look what we have done),
Listen to the treason,


We are immortal,
The coming plague,
Facing the human lie,
Accepting of its wake,
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