Finally got around to recording vocals with the band I worked with back in august.


May 10, 2010
I failed to get any responses over @ sneap's, so maybe you guys will help me.

I'm completely lost here. I'm not happy with the way the vocals sound at all and i'm not even sure what i don't like about them.

No mastering whatsoever done yet
and somewhy fucking soundcloud butchered the quality

UPDATED January 20th (or 19th depends on where you live heh ):

Ok, here's the final mix/master:

I'm sending this off tomorrow, so if there's anything you guys would change please let me know!
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What's your vocal chain look like? This could desperately use mastering.

It's pretty basic. Eq->de-esser->comp->slight saturation->comp
Then there's little bit of eq and light compression on the vocal bus

And then there's obviously separate busses for delay and reverb.

Any thoughts on the big picture?
I don't think you need that many comps on the vox chain. Perhaps try comp > de-esser > limiter > EQ > saturation/what have you. I like the waves C1 comp for vocals. As for mastering, I wrote this chain down in another post somewhere around here. It's pretty basic and is a good place to start (my personal choices are in parentheses): comp (waves SSL) > multiband EQ (waves C4) > limiter (waves L2) > color EQ. Not trying to pimp out waves, but you get the idea.
I don't think you need that many comps on the vox chain. Perhaps try comp > de-esser > limiter > EQ > saturation/what have you. I like the waves C1 comp for vocals. As for mastering, I wrote this chain down in another post somewhere around here. It's pretty basic and is a good place to start (my personal choices are in parentheses): comp (waves SSL) > multiband EQ (waves C4) > limiter (waves L2) > color EQ. Not trying to pimp out waves, but you get the idea.

I used many compressors so none of the are doing the "heavy lifting", they're all compressing slightly.

You mentioned using multiband eq on the master, which frequency areas should i pay attention to ?
I typically find myself paying attention to different areas depending on the mix but according to the gear I currently use, I like to use it to keep the low-end and mid-area 'honky' sounds in check, and to attenuate the high-end a bit for clarity.