Finally got this song finished! Heavy/groovy thrash (Loomis w/ Blackouts)


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK

It's all VSTi's I'm afraid, no real stuff as it's just an EP/Demo from my band, sorry!

Metal Foundry overheads, SD2.0 toms, LSD kick, Slate snare.

TSE X50, one side boosted with TSE 808, the other side raw (on the "6505+" setting), into impulses

Ampeg SVX on one channel, Sansamp sim on another channel, and some high passed distortion on a 3rd channel.

Some patch I made on the Pod XT about 3 years ago :lol:

Same as above ^
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That squeels, very Wylde :D

As always, great stuff. Sounds at some parts a bit like Machine Head. Especially that stuff at 0:25. Great!
Thanks dudes! Yeah the lead is a little low come to think of it... I dropped the rhytm guits on that section a hair, but they still need turning up.
As for the cleans, they're meant to be a real background kinda thing, just to reinforce the melody, I didn't want them becoming too much of a focus.

There are DI's for this around somewhere I think, I uploaded them once before, I'll have a look in my dropbox...

I used the catharsis impulses (as usual), blended with a metallica one from the ToneVampire pack. Snare is slate Snare3z1