Finally Internet lessons are a go!!!


Excellent idea. Really cool because I think it's very conveniant for the students. Just too bad I have dial up and no money. But great idea and good luck with it! I'll even tell all the guitarists at my school about it.
drewski said:

Excellent idea. Really cool because I think it's very conveniant for the students. Just too bad I have dial up and no money. But great idea and good luck with it! I'll even tell all the guitarists at my school about it.

Yeah, I have never heard of anyone doing lessons online before so this is totally cool. I got a chance to "test-run" with Chris over AIM and I have to say, it actually worked pretty good! All that I had was a cheap webcam ($10 I think) with a microphone built-in and that was just fine. You will want to setup an amp in the room (I used a little 15-watt Peavey), an acoustic guitar may be loud enough though. :headbang:
metalgtr84 said:
Yeah, I have never heard of anyone doing lessons online before so this is totally cool. I got a chance to "test-run" with Chris over AIM and I have to say, it actually worked pretty good! All that I had was a cheap webcam ($10 I think) with a microphone built-in and that was just fine. You will want to setup an amp in the room (I used a little 15-watt Peavey), an acoustic guitar may be loud enough though. :headbang:

Cool! What did the lesson consist of, if I may ask? Just curious.
drewski said:
Cool! What did the lesson consist of, if I may ask? Just curious.

Well, mostly it was on how to pick up girls while you're on stage. He showed me different styles of winking, waving your hair, and how to play while flexing every muscle in your body to make you look buffer. I haven't quite mastered it yet, but I am practicing on girls that are considered more "homely" or "mentally handicapped" and I think I'm making some pretty good progress. :D

(Haha sorry you usually have to ask me twice to get a serious answer)

We actually had been working on some sweep picking exercises and I'm fairly new to sweep picking so I had showed him the progress I was making. We went over major, minor, diminished, and 7th sweep arpeggios. I don't remember a lot of other stuff because this was at least a month ago. I think we talked some theory too...Oh I know - he sent me some power tabs to check out also.
haha, yeah. how to pick up girls will be the next thing i have to practise!!!! maybe i need some real workout, because i do not look like CHRIS... btw, how do you manage your time, Chris?


A day in the life of CHRIS BRODERICK:

waking up at 6.00:
- sweeping mr. sandman´s sand out of your eyes (good warm up for sweep exercises to come)

-going to bathroom an brushing teeth (make sure you are using alternate picking to warm up for this technique)

leavin´ bathroom 6:30:

picking (sweep or alternate) up guitar:
30 min. linear playing, scales, fragments etc.
30 min. legato playing
30 min lifting weights
30 min sweep picking

8:30 breakfast:
make sure all the techniques could be applied to your guitar playing!!!! for ex. you can sweep something on your bread or so... :err:

9:00: picking up the guitar again:
60 min tapping (one and two handed)
30 min push ups without stopping
30 min practising to play and wave at girls (VERY important)
60 min running around the whole city :tickled:

12:00 lunch: (hmm, lunch :Smug: )
make sure your cooking technique affects on your playing!!!!

picking up the classical guitar at 2:00:
playing classical etudes, pieces and stuff for at least 120 min

4:00 yes tea time: relax by reading newspaper or better guitar scores and notes.. this way you can use the off- time to even learn more!

5:00 picking up guitar (did not guess so, huh?):
30 min picking altered scales, and arppegios etc.
30 min sweeping
120 min work out again

dinner at 8:00
after this you can use some time to compose or study a new style of music

10:00 time again for some classical guitar music, right?
120 min classical stuff or flamenco

midnight: time to hang around on the forum (which is highly appreciated!)

then going to sleep somewhen...

is this an accurate describtion of your life??? please correct me if i´m wrong, will you???

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :loco: o_O :loco: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin:

sorry it´s late and i am way too tired!!! my brain is out of order :D
now, seriously: how do you master all these different techniques the guitar offers AND still have time to work out?
please solve this mistery

have to go to bed now, before someone gets hurt!!! :wave:
Ahahahah!!!! how did you guess my schedule so accuratly? All kidding aside, These things take time, and there is no mastery in my book just improvment.
As for the DVD I will release it in 2005 I PROMISE!!!
Yes, i know, there´s never perfection... i wise man once said: "Perfection is only a dream, or at best, a hope to strive for.." ;) ;)
but for a player like me it´s just a totally different level, lightyears away... there´s not one single technique, which is near to your playing. it´s like i just started playing guitar!

but one thing that i love to know is: are there any guitarists that you envy or admire, do you still have those ultimate heroes, like you surely had, when you started making music???? like for me it was when i discovered dream theater i had to realize that there is things i never will be able to play.

i mean there are some killer players out there, but i don´t know if the differences in technique are that big between you pro players...
... i hope you now what i mean... cannot explain it better!!!

edit: oh and if i had the money i would be there for online lessons!!! we will see...
Kohlrabihaus said:
Yes, i know, there´s never perfection... i wise man once said: "Perfection is only a dream, or at best, a hope to strive for.." ;) ;)
but for a player like me it´s just a totally different level, lightyears away... there´s not one single technique, which is near to your playing. it´s like i just started playing guitar!

but one thing that i love to know is: are there any guitarists that you envy or admire, do you still have those ultimate heroes, like you surely had, when you started making music???? like for me it was when i discovered dream theater i had to realize that there is things i never will be able to play.

i mean there are some killer players out there, but i don´t know if the differences in technique are that big between you pro players...
... i hope you now what i mean... cannot explain it better!!!

edit: oh and if i had the money i would be there for online lessons!!! we will see...
Well, Let me tell you about a story that happend just the other day. I went to go see Paul Gilbert play, and after the show went to meet him. All I could say was "it's an honor to hear you play". I totally geeked out on him. Every player has their specialty (even beginers), whether it's because the way they are built physically(technical), or the way they can concieve a phrase.
Take care, Chris.
Hey.. Thats cool.. Internet lessons.. Yeay.. :headbang:

If I was better in english-speaking and if I could afford it I probably would try some lessons.. I really need some help with my guitarpalying.. And to be teached by Chris would be an honour..
Anyway, one day I will, maybe..
yeah, you are right, Chris, BUT. for me, there are many players out of reach... like an al dimeola, vai, satriani, petrucci, loomis, steve morse, etc. you know? these guys do things i can only dream of... and i´m not talking about solo, only!

be honest: what could paul gilbert show you on the guitar??? i really don´t know!!!
maybe you have the feeling, he´s soo great and stuff, but you are also up there! maybe he can show you this, but you can show him other things!
you really do not have to hide, man!

btw. what do you think of the band "death"? do you like schuldiners playing?
Kohlrabihaus said:
yeah, you are right, Chris, BUT. for me, there are many players out of reach... like an al dimeola, vai, satriani, petrucci, loomis, steve morse, etc. you know? these guys do things i can only dream of... and i´m not talking about solo, only!

be honest: what could paul gilbert show you on the guitar??? i really don´t know!!!
maybe you have the feeling, he´s soo great and stuff, but you are also up there! maybe he can show you this, but you can show him other things!
you really do not have to hide, man!

btw. what do you think of the band "death"? do you like schuldiners playing?
Hey Kohlrabihaus,
Paul Gilbert influenced me a lot. So I feel I owe him for that great influence, However I feel that anyone can do what we do on the guitar as long as they belive they can. when I first picked up the guitar, I never questioned the difficulty in what I was trying to do, I only knew that I wanted to play it, and that is the only thought one should have.
I hope this helps, Chris.
Yes, I think it helps. There are times, we hit the wall, and the only way to get through, is to believe and never give up! iw ill try and see if i can play "rondo..." tomorrow, haha!
anyway thanks for inspiring me, see ya soon (bang your head)
Well I've been talking to Mark about possibly signing up for a few of your lessons Chris. Yes, I'm a newb fan and all (Mark intro'ed me to your music, and I'm eternally grateful, being a long time metalhead and all) and I decided I wanted to cover your songs and you are a beast on the guitar! I've been working with the solo from Take to the Sky for a while now (Been playing 16 years August) and I watched the vid of you playing it...that little sweep-tap-sweep method you have going on is insane...I need to learn that!! I've been playing Andy LaRocque and Chuck Schuldiner so long it's almost foreign to even watch! At any rate, figured I'd get my geeking out out of the way, and also tell you that if my schedule ever lightens up Im planning on trying out these lessons! I've never taken any lessons before, learned everything by ear and/or a combination of tab/ear so this is kinda a new thing for me!
Dischord said:
Well I've been talking to Mark about possibly signing up for a few of your lessons Chris. Yes, I'm a newb fan and all (Mark intro'ed me to your music, and I'm eternally grateful, being a long time metalhead and all) and I decided I wanted to cover your songs and you are a beast on the guitar! I've been working with the solo from Take to the Sky for a while now (Been playing 16 years August) and I watched the vid of you playing it...that little sweep-tap-sweep method you have going on is insane...I need to learn that!! I've been playing Andy LaRocque and Chuck Schuldiner so long it's almost foreign to even watch! At any rate, figured I'd get my geeking out out of the way, and also tell you that if my schedule ever lightens up Im planning on trying out these lessons! I've never taken any lessons before, learned everything by ear and/or a combination of tab/ear so this is kinda a new thing for me!
Hey Dischord,
welcome to the forum. Just let me know if you are interested and we'll get things rolling, However if you are playing riffs from Andy LaRocque and Chuck Schuldiner thats nothing to sneeze at, Andy was a huge influence on me growing up and some of those riffs are dificult.
Take care, Chris.
Chris_Broderick said:
Hey Dischord,
welcome to the forum. Just let me know if you are interested and we'll get things rolling, However if you are playing riffs from Andy LaRocque and Chuck Schuldiner thats nothing to sneeze at, Andy was a huge influence on me growing up and some of those riffs are dificult.
Take care, Chris.

I played in a KD/MF cover band for a few years about 10 years ago...and yes those riffs are tough...once my vision gets right (had PRK laser refractive surgery about a week ago) and such I'll be going through with the lessons! I need something new to challenge me...I've been playing Andy's stuff so long I worked up The Puppet Master LP in about two weeks by

BTW, thanks for the reply! This new band I'm trying to put together have two JP songs in mind to cover and I want to do the solos right just like I do with the KD/MF and Death stuff, though Manny's more of a Chuck Schuldiner style player than I am...

At any rate we're planning to do Take to the Sky and Battered and Bruised thus far. Thanks man, and keep rockin!
haha we jam on Take To the Sky and Achilles... Because well, Achilles is sooooo damn catchy. But we've been thinking about learning King at a Price.
Me with my Mark Briody guitar!! :tickled:


Had to say that...wishing you guys would come play in Texas!