Finally some good news!!!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago

Hahaha... I knew this thread would get you back to this board Britt!!!

Awesome, any extras with the pre-order?

I will be heading out during lunch from work to go get it at Best Buy (Who better have it!!!!)
what I hate about rushing out to get a new disc is once you get it the next week a double disc set comes out or a DVD extra gets added. I have rebought a few disc because of that. Damn that sucks.
Does Metal Blade do this normally?
I am not really into many bands on their roster these days.
I know lots of their european pressings come with bonus DVDs.

The Puppet Master came with a bonus DVD that was just King, sitting in a room, telling the story of the Puppet Master.

I am content enough with just having a disc of new King material.

The posted MP3 for "Neverending Hill" is super catchy.
Can't wait to hear the whole thing.
yeah...metal blade does this. Amon Amarth has a DVD extra with a whole concert on it. Most labels do this now. The new Domain, Finntroll, and a few others have had this happen. It drives me up a wall.
Yeah, I know lots of labels do the bonus DVD thing.
I guess my question is though do lots of labels first release it as a single disc, and then later come out with the bonus. I have seen Roadrunner do this, with their special versions releases later on.

Usually when I have albums that come with bonus DVDs, I never end up watching them. Probably has a lot to do with the fact that after purchasing an album, it goes right to my MP3 player.
Hahaha... I knew this thread would get you back to this board Britt!!!

Awesome, any extras with the pre-order?

I will be heading out during lunch from work to go get it at Best Buy (Who better have it!!!!)
Nope .. it's just a jewel case version with no bonus stuff. I think there is a digipak version in Europe, but I don't think there are any bonus tracks that were done for that release either.

The posted MP3 for "Neverending Hill" is super catchy.
Can't wait to hear the whole thing.

It's funny .. I like that song okay, but there are five or six tunes I like better on the new disc. A buddy of mine who has similar tastes when it comes to King Diamond thinks it is the best track on the disc.

So far the reviews have been a bit mixed .. not sure why. I think most folks that enjoyed The Puppet Master will enjoythis new one. King's vocal work is similar on these past two discs ... less high range stuff. I could use some more high range stuff personally, but I feel his newer style is pretty enjoyable overall.

The guitar work on this new disc is really good .. probably the best on a KD album in the past several years. The songs are also very catchy to my ears.

Some gems for me are Black of Night, Mirror Mirror, The Cellar, The Floating Head, and Give Me Your Soul. The worst track for me is the final track .. Moving On, but it's not terrible or anything.

All in all I think it's a very solid listen .. I'd rate it pretty close The Puppet Master which I thought was pretty fantastic. It was my top disc of the year it came out.

"Some gems for me are...Mirror Mirror"
*Adds to the list of awesome songs named "Mirror Mirror"*

By the way, any news on whether Best Buy carries it? I happen to have a very small amount of cash in my pocket, enough to go buy it today if my brother will give me a lift.
I assume BB will have it. They carry most Metal Blade releases, and normally carry the King D catalog.

True enough about MIRROR MIRROR (great tracks of Candlemass and Blind Guardian as well!)
So, my plan for today is I am wearing my Abigail shirt in honor of the release, and am ready to go pick it up at some point. Aren't I so festive? :p

Actually, darn, I can't get it because I forgot my brother tricked me into seeing that terrible 1408 yesterday and spending all my cash on it. :( So much for release-day purchase. Maybe my dad will lend me some money.
Just got back from Best Buy, where they had 4 copies of it.
I am about half way through.
Very solid KD release.

I do agree with Britt though. The good King does not use his high range that much anymore. In a way it is good, as it allows the listener to focus on the music as well as the vocals.
I got it at the Best Buy by Golf Mill.
It was $12.99. I notice that Metal Blade releases are always reasonably priced.
I wish Century Media would follow suit, and not charge $14.99 and up for their releases.
I'm going to spend a day at that BB sometime to see if I see any of you. :p

Also, I'm hearing that some of the KD dates are sold out already. Only like five of them are even on sale yet, but that is serious scaring me.

I'm really fucking paranoid because I don't know where I'll be living next year... Because knowing my parents all this "moving" shit will be for nothing and I'll just end up back here, but at the same time I might end up in NY or Maine or Mass, etc. so I really can't buy tickets now... But I should... But I can't... So I guess I have to hope they don't sell out in 10 months. o_O