FINE!! I'll show a song too, dammit.

Mattias the Bitch Boy

New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2001
Here's the latest NUNFUCKER masterpiece, "When Yngwie Fucking Malmsteen Releases the Fucking Fury". Let me know from all of you just how magnificent this opus is. Is it ingeniously amazing, or is it fantastically charming with its massive brutality? Or perhaps it's delightfully entertaining, a full two thumbs to the most entertaining song of the year from America's (well, Sweden's) favorite sweetheart? Or something else? You be the judge!
I worked really really hard on this song and everyone is just laughing at me :cry:

It's ok, but I want MORE FEEDBACK NOW dammit, please! I won't rest until everyone in the world has given feedback in this thread. And that's a lot of people.
:guh: , OK Mattias...I have not heard any of your previous works if this is in fact YOUR music, please forgive my ignorance:

Did you play all the instruments on this? If so:

:notworthy Mattias

I think it's great how you incorporated the whole "unleashing the fucking fury" thing. That's gotta be the quote of the fucking year.:grin:

Too many blast beats tend to get on my nerves...perfectly executed double-bass drumming though is always an eye...(or ear?)-popper. \m/
No no, I just played the guitars, and screamed like an idiot. The drums and very unteknikul bass lines are programmed. It's not too hard to execute perfect double bass in a midi sequencer!

Thank you ever so much to you and catastrophe for making this thread longer.
Why thank you Steveboy!

And Jesterboy, what did you think?

And everyone else?? Dammit, why do all the other songs get more attention? This is unfair! It makes me feel so left out! It makes me feel like a complete LOSER, and makes me want to give up music forever. Is that how you want me to feel?
FINE, I´ll review your piece of SHIT, shitmonger!!!

Actually, it wasn´t half bad, even though it was terribly overproduced. Not even Fredrik Nordström would produce records with this degree of anal overproduction. You see, to make a kool and malevolent metul-track of destruction and mayhem you must unlearn what you have learned about recording. And you MUST MIC UP THE AMP! Do you wanna stand in front of your ´puter with your headphones looking like a geek all your life?! If not, you must mic. You´d still look like a geek, but at least you would be recording like a god (like me).

So there, get to work, boy.
Reasons to not mic up my amp:

1. I don't HAVE an amp here in LA! I always play through the pod here.

2. My amp in Sweden is a huge ass motherfucker through a 4x12 cab which needs to be blasted in order to sound good, which cannot be done at home. And NO I'm not gonna buy some smaller amp just to be able to mic it up and get a worse sound.

3. PODs got more selection of tones than any ONE amp does, and the quality is extremely FINE.

4. Good mics are expensive, not as expensive as a POD, but less value for money since I wouldn't get as good of a sound from it at home, ever.

5. YOU mic up your amp and your recordings are terrible.

6. I can SAY that the amp was miced up, if it's that important and you would accept that and think the song was cool.

Thanks for your splendid review.

One more thing, I never had headphones on ONCE when I recorded that song. HAHAHAHAHAH EVIL!!! Although I will begin wearing headphones, because these $10 speakers I have here aren't very good monitors.
1. Don´t live in L.A. L.A. is not situated in Sweden.

2. The awful sound in my recordings are intentionally bad...of course!

3. POD is ass-shaped. It is red. Awful sounds come out of it. It has all the characteristics of an ASS.

4. Don´t lie about your amp size. I bet you only have one of those shitty little Ibanez-amps.
Originally posted by U[Sic]M
1. Don´t live in L.A. L.A. is not situated in Sweden.

2. The awful sound in my recordings are intentionally bad...of course!

3. POD is ass-shaped. It is red. Awful sounds come out of it. It has all the characteristics of an ASS.

4. Don´t lie about your amp size. I bet you only have one of those shitty little Ibanez-amps.

1. I will return in September, but I still won't mic up my amp!

2. They shouldn't be, you lazy dick!

3. It's shaped like the ass of a beautiful woman. Or something. Fine sounds come out of it.

4. I have a 5150 II Head, and a rack with a Mesa Triaxis preamp through a Peavey Classic 50/50 power amp. HAHA! ELITE!