Finish Ye Olde Tale


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Heres the deal. This is AMusing and constructive.

I put a sentence down.
Someone else links onto it
and so on and so forth till we have a story.the only rule is that the story can never end and must always be left open....

Someone else can start cause i'm dry on ideas.
The flames cast a flickering light on his face. The old church was soon to be nothing but a pile of ash. Varg laughed to himself, quietly. This was HIS battle, and he would win it! He turned to walk away, when he suddenly heard a sound. He looked around, and suddenly saw...
As Varg looked into the sky he saw that the sky was on fire (great song), he was trying to think of a plan when all of asudden...
...he felt piercing pain in stomach."it must be that damn cat I ate for breakfast! bastard wasn't fresh..." he quickly thought with rage burning in his eyes...
as darkness fell, the jew-aliens closed around Varg's body. then out of the mist came the reaper to collect Varg's soul. scared, the jew-aliens reached for their probes and...
...probed Varg in the ass with their gigantic, dick-shaped anal probes. They realized that they weren't the first to enter the void of neverending darkness. Someone else had tampered with this one's unique ass. They researched and came to the conclusion that in fact, it was the...
SSJ4SephirothX said:
...probed Varg in the ass with their gigantic, dick-shaped anal probes. They realized that they weren't the first to enter the void of neverending darkness. Someone else had tampered with this one's unique ass. They researched and came to the conclusion that in fact, it was the...

ASS OF ALL ASSES! and it was the key to save all humanity from nu-metal, so......
The jew-aliens stood no chance against the tremendous power of the Sasquatch Militia, and had no choice but to flee. But suddenly Varg, who looked kinda like this ---> :zombie: , started to stir. The ass-raping had revived him, and he tried to speak. He said:
"Goddamn the last dick I had in my ass wasn't even close to that size". Than it went silent and Sasquatch Militia...
..sought out the mighty powers of the mushroom and began flailing around the area doing a crazy ass dance chanting "Badger badger badger badger" when all of asudden they turned into one giant badger and with a fucked up look on his face Varg said...