Finished EP, still need input!


Dec 29, 2008

Our band got done recording a four track EP. Even though we already "realeased" it - i.e. put it up on bandcamp - I would still appreciate your input on the mix.

How's the low end - too much?
Guitar sound?
General balance (yeah, the vocals are a tad low)?
Other impressions?
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Quality of the track is good. Guitars have a good sound, but the bass has no presence. Your drums fit the mix quite well (including the snare), so I would find a good balance between the bass volume in the guitars. I can't quite put my finger on a band to emulate, but your guitars could use a little more low end to even out the bass from being to loud if you bring up its volume. Its hard to say how to blend the bass into the guitar. Sometimes I just have to cut away at about 200hz, and let the guitars dominate that band and above. Other times I need bass to have more presence in those regions. Listen to a song similar to what you want, and go for their balance.
Yeah, getting the bass right is always a struggle. Thanks for your input.