Finnish people, help with translation.


The Victorious One
Nov 24, 2001
Rijeka, Croatia
Visit site
lyrics: Irstash

Kun Kointähti valonsa toi
pojan viattoman sieluun
kadotuksen hän koki
koki kuolon kosketuksen kovan

Jeesuksen perseeseen
verisen nyrkkinsä tunki

Lapsi äitinsä häpäissyt
saattoi lapsen kasvamaan
äitinsä epäpyhään kohtuun
Juomaan äitinsä verta

Kuolemankarvainen nälkä
oottaa lasten suussa
äitinsä häväistyn
ruumiin Saatanalle antamaan

Desecration Of A Mother
lyrics: Irstash

When Lucifer brought his light
to the soul of an innocent boy
he suffered damnation
suffered a hard touch of death

In the ass of Jesus
he rammed his bloody fist

A child that desecrated his mother
made a child to grow
in the unholy womb of his mother
To drink his mother's blood

A death-like hunger
waits in the mouth of children
his mother desecrated
to give her body to Satan


Something like that. =)
"Jeesuksen perseeseen
verisen nyrkkinsä tunki"

Into the ass of Jesus
he rammed his bloody fist

semmone korjaus siihen

Yes we use question marks.
I wish I knew a second language... damn thats cool guys!... I'm trying to learn Japanese.
Shagoroth said:
hey someone! PLease help me:
"Tule, Kuolema, kierrä kairas syvälle sydämeen."
- I. Jyhla
"Come, Death, turn your auger deep to the heart"

Btw, we already have a topic like this ;)
ert said:
"Olen alasti vaatteideni alla"

What's the story here?

Hah, thanks!
Actually, it comes from an inside joke that turned into a competition of the sort... My best friend and I are collecting that phrase in as many languages we can! :D Can't you tell we are a bit bored with our lives?? Hahah...