Fireworks Issue 24


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Latest issue of Fireworks magazine has a report from Progpower UK and an "on the road" report on the Pagan's Quest

Will get them added asap!

Thanks to Nick Hinton, Paul Jerome Smith and Phil Ashcroft for the kind words!
"Power Quest headlined the party and took no hostages with a performance that was met with a rapturous response to the 7 songs that were featured (Find my Heaven, Temple of Fire, Edge of Time,Sacred Land, Hold on to Love, Soulfire and Magic Never Dies). If it had been a squeeze getting Orphaned Land onto the tiny stage, imagine what it was like for the 5 members of Power Quest including the keyboards of Steve Williams.
As it happens, I am sure they could deliver a stunning set inside a cardboard box if necessary and this was a dynamite performance to whet the appetite for the main show. I think there was more than a hint of showing the organisers what they were missing by not having included them on this(Although you could not really fault the quality of the and variety of the bands included)"
"Power Quest were seriously good fun despite their lack of room on stage (they should have tried being in the crowd) and attacked their speed metal/melodic hard rock hybrid material like it was Madison Square Garden!"
Fireworks magazine is actually the only magazine I've subscribed to and kept subscribing to for the last few years. Whereas the others come and go and fall in and out of favour with bands depending on what the latest fashions are, Fireworks has always remained one of the last true remaining 'stick to your guns' magazines that covers bands on merit and not on fashion.

They also keep it real and don't have hissy fits if someone looks at them the wrong way or fails to fall at their feet on first meeting them.

Good bunch of folks.
