Still available
Ad Hominem - Dictator 11,00
Aeternus - Ascension of terror 10,00
Age of Agony - Follow the way of hate 10,00
Alastor - Noble north (Digi-Pack) 10,00
Amazeroth - The rise of the dragon 9,00
Ancestors Blood - A dark passage
Ancient Ceremony - Synagoga Diabolica 8,50
Ansur - Axiom 9,00
Ars Manifestia - The enchanting darks arrival 10,00
Aske - Saatan Legio/Goatfuck 11,00
Azure - Moonlight legend CD 10,50
Barbarous Pomerania - Duch 300 Z Rany 11,00
Bergthron - Jagdheim 10,00
Bergthron - Verborgen in den Tiefen der Wälder
Bilskirnir - In Flames of Purification / Totenheer 11,00
Black Altar - Black Altar 10,00
Blackdeath - Chronicles of Hellish Circles CD 10,50
Blessmon - Under the storm of hate (Digi-Pack) 10,50
Creature - Der Ursprung 10,00
Crux Dissimulata - Les lauriers sont coupes (Digi-Pack) 9,50
Curse/Sykdom - In life and death/Verden og.. Split-CD 9,50
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness CD 9,50
Draugr - Nocturnal Pagan Supremacy 10,00
Drowning the Light - A World long dead/Vampyric Winter 10,50
Eldrig - Kali 10,50
Elisabetha - Und Wirklichkeit erfüllt die Seele wieder 8,00
Elite - Bifrost 10,50
Excruciate 666 - Riding Fires of Hate 10,50
Eyecult - Morituri Te Salutamus CD 10,50
Fjoergyn - Ernte Im Herbst DIGI-CD 10,50
Flagellator - Channeling the Acheron 10,00
Flame of War - Europa - Or the Spirit Among Ruins 10,50
Forgotten Darkness - Nekrolog Slipcase-CD 10,99
Forgotten Tomb - Negative Megalomania 11,00
Fortid - Völuspa Part II - the arrival of Fenris 10,00
Gauntlet's Sword - Theosophy 10,50
Gloria Morti - Lifestream Corrosion CD 9,50
Graveland - Creed of Iron (remastered!) 12,00
Graveland - Dawn of Iron blades 12,00
Graveland - Spears of Heaven 12,00
Graveland - The Fire of Awakening 12,00
Graveland - Will stronger than death 12,00
Gräfenstein - Death Born 10,50
Grima Morstua - Illustratio per Horribilem Obscuritatem 10,00
Hellebaard - Duisternis 10,00
Hexenwald - Descent, Rebirth and Black Light CD 11,00
Huginn - Back from the old hills 10,00
Immortal Remains - Protected by Satan (Digi-Pack) 9,50
Impious Havoc - Manifestations of Plague and War 10,00
Infaust - Blutbad & Melancholie 10,00
Infernum - Farewell 10,00
Insidious Omen - Upon this Throne of Waste and Decay 10,50
Invictus - Imperium Paganum 9,50
Invictus - Imperium Paganum - slipcase CD (ltd. to 300) 10,50
Iuvenes - Triumph of the will MCD 7,00
Kathaarian - Cryptic temple of the ancient cult 10,00
Kharon - Raised by hellish demons 8,50
Kladovest - Escape in Melancholy 11,00
Kroda - Fimbulvinter CD 11,99
Legion of Sadism - Auf Gedeih und Verderb 9,50
Legion of Sadism - The great world of Satan (Digi-Pack) 9,50
Lord Wind - Forgotten Songs (re-release!) 10,00
Lord Wind - Rites of the Valkyries 10,00
Meressin - The baphomets call 9,50
Moondark - The Shadowpath (Digi-Pack) 10,00
Moontower / Black Winter - Dismal Fields of Nihilism - Split-CD 10,00
Mordgrim - Flesh and the devil 9,00
Murk - All is löst 10,00
Murk - Unholy presences 8,00
Myrk - Icons of the dark 10,00
Myrkr - Offspring of Gathered Foulness CD 10,49
Nahash - Nocticula Hecate - Slipcase CD 9,00
Nebiros - Kurwa Satana 9,50
Nebiros - Stacheldraht 10,00
Nordisk Velde - In manch dunkler Nacht 10,00
Nordreich - Verschlungene Pfade 12,00
Nunslaughter - Hex 10,00
On Horns Impaled - Total World Domination 11,00
Orenda - Back in the grave 9,00
Orenda - The Funeral 9,00
Orthanc - Aux enfants de Thulee 9,50
Oskal - Stahlkrieg/Blazes of Sunset 10,50
Pagan Hellfire - A Voice from Centuries away 11,00
Permafrost/Menneskerhat/Annihilation 666 - Split CD 11,00
Reign of Erebus - Inversion principle 10,00
Rimfrost - A frozen world unknown 10,50
Rimfrost - A journey to a greater end MCD 7,00
Ritual Killer - Upon the threshold of kill 9,50
Runenblut - Die Stimme des Blutes 10,00
Salacious Gods - Piene 10,00
Satyricon - Tribute Dominions Of Satyricon CD 10,00
Schammasch - Sic Lvceat Lvx 10,00
Sekhmet - Okularis Infernum 9,50
Seul - Suicidal & Emotional Black Metal CD 9,99
Sieghetnar - Erhabenheit DIGI-CD 11,00
Sign of KatuMarus - In Nostro Omnium Fletu 10,50
Sinners Burn - Mortuary Rendezvous 10,00
Sinners Burn - Pre-Mortal Autopsy 9,00
Skjold - Thirteen Years Hell DIGI-CD 10,00
Skon - At The End of A Journey CD 9,50
Slavecrushing Tyrant - Slavecrushing Tyrant CD 11,00
Suicidal Winds - Winds of Death (re-release!) 10,00
Svartkraft - IV - Ruin CD 10,99
The Beast - Fixed by the Devil 8,00
The Call - The Call (MCD) 6,00
The Shadow Order - Untold 11,00
Thoron - Return to dust 10,00
Those Who Bring The Torture - Those Who Bring The Torture 9,00
Tjolgtjar - Midnight Mindtrip 9,50
Todesstoß - Spiegel der Urängste/Sehnsucht 10,00
Torrent - Between the stones MCD 7,00
Ugulishi - Dark Illuminations CD 10,00
Ulvdalir - Soul Void 10,00
Ulvdalir - The Flame once lost 9,00
Untergang - Of Pure Blood & Evil Pride 10,50
Urgehal - Arma Christi 10,50
Urgehal - Massive terrestrial strike 10,50
Urlog - Harjaz 11,00
Uterus - Goatgod 9,50
Varathron - Crowsreign 9,50
Veles - Night on the bare mountain-/-Black hateful Metal 11,00
Verderben - Vernichtung und Vergeltung 10,00
Verge - Verge 10,00
Vinterriket - Firntann DIGI-Sleeve CD - Limited Editon! 13,50
Vinterriket / Orodruin - Split CD 11,50
Vogelsang - Aus den Trümmern empor 6,00
Vordven - When the wind blew for the first time-/-Towards the frozen stream-/-Woodland passage 10,00
Vrolok - Resurgence III: Order of the Sphere 11,00
Warfare - The Expression of Power 9,50
Weltenbrand - The End of the Wizard 10,00
Weltmacht - And to every beast its prey 11,00
Werewolf - The Order of Vril 11,00
Winterblood - Le Fredde Ali dell'Inverno 10,50
Wojnar - Kiedy Duch....... 9,50
Wolfthorn - Cold Inside CD 10,50
Woods of Desolation - Sorh (Digi-Pack) 11,00
Woodtemple - The call from the pagan woods 10,50