First Actual Production, 3 Songs on the Radio! (Texas Country)

Scott Horner

Scottimus Maximus
Yes, I said country. Not everyone's cup of tea and it was my first attempt at playing this kind of music but the DJ at 95.9 heard it and decided to throw 3 songs into the rotation for his evening show. Not bad for my first legitimate production! Especially considering it started out as me just doing a few tracks to test out my new Saffire Pro 40. Here is one of the tracks.

The artist is J.D. Clark and he is also the mayor of a neighboring town. He came to me with some chords and vocals and I came up with the entire backing instrumentation behind it. I know it may not be the best quality on here but I went for a raw, live vibe considering the genre and I think it turned out pretty good for what it is. Who says metal guys can only do metal?
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